These letters will blow your mind!

by Dogpatch 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • aChristian

    Will Power,

    It is indeed quite interesting that the leaders of modern day Rabbinic Judaism, the successors of the Pharisees, and the same men who carefully inspect meat to make sure it is properly bled before labeling it "Kosher," do not forbid the medical use of blood. For even they have been able to understand that God values life more highly than He values a strict adherence to religious laws. This is certainly a very sad commentary on the Watchtower Society. For they have proven themselves to be bigger Pharisees than the Pharisees.

  • hillary_step


    Until the WTS decides whether it is actually a Christian religion or a quasi-Judaistic religion, it will always be wrestling with the same issues.

    I wonder if the C1st Christian-Judaisers ever imagined that their theological battles would still be being fought two thousand years later by such 'controlled' religions as the WTS.

    The WTS sits precariously trying to keep balance on the fence between Christianity and Judaism, and they are finding that, 'he who sits on the fence gets shot at from both sides!'.


  • gumby

    A christian: You made the quotes below but never addressed the reason WHY paul made the comments he did about abstaining from blood.
    What was the PROBLEM that he was addressing?
    Your quotes:

    and including what JWs say were a new set of "Christian" laws given to first century congregations by the apostles and older men in Jerusalem.

    Because we know that God's blood law to Noah was given only to Noah and his descendants, and not to people in other parts of then widely populated earth.

    He wrote the council to the gentiles.
    All lurking witnesess are wanting to know.

    PS. I know the answers but your doing such a good job in this thread I'll let you say it.

  • aChristian


    First off, thank you for your kind words.

    You asked me some questions and then said, "I know the answers but your doing such a good job in this thread I'll let you say it."

    Since I don't fully understand your questions I had better let you answer them, since you say you know their answers. For instance, you asked, "WHY paul made the comments he did about abstaining from blood." However, I am not aware of any comments Paul made about abstaining from blood. So, I think it is best that you provide us with the answers to your questions. Besides, I think I have written enough here on this subject already. I'm interested in reading your thoughts.

  • gumby

    Ok AChristian....I'll take it for a bit.
    The Jews were stumbled over the Gentiles doing things that they once believed and still believed as wrong....meat sacraficed to idols, eating blood, fornication.
    So that these new jewish converts would not be stumbled, the gentiles were told not to do these things if it stumbled others.

    Later paul showed these Law's were not binding on christians but to remember not to stumble 'those weak'.

    That was the reason for the letter.

    You are correct A Christian...paul didn't write mistake.

  • plmkrzy

    Thank You a Bunch for posting the letters
    I just finished reading the first set on the blood
    issue and found them to be incredible. It certinally
    looks to me like there should be a trading of places
    in New York. The inquireing Elder clearly in this
    case has a deeper undertanding of Jehovahs laws
    regarding blood. At least in my opinion.
    It will be interesting to see how any of this will
    effect Jehovahs Witnessess in the future, not to
    mention those and the families of those the past
    century that have been adversly effected, to put it
    rater mild.
    I'm certinly not pretending to be an authority
    regarding the GB but it seems to me that his answers
    from the wtbts, if indeed annointed, should have
    been at least as clear as his own conclusions.
    Thanks again .

  • aChristian


    Very well put. By the way, I was not correcting you as to who wrote the letter sent to the Gentiles spoken of in Acts 15. Though it apparently mainly reflected the words of James (Acts 15:13,19,20), I thought you may have been asking me about Paul's words allowing Christians to eat meat sacrificed to idols. As I said, I wasn't sure I understood your questions. Thanks for your fine answer though. I hope some "lurkers" read it.

  • gumby

    AChristian: Thank You

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist


    The letters were long, but well worth the effort. I want to personally (digitally) thank you and Mr. Jensen for sharing the information.

    Thanks to both of you for the hard work. I especially enjoyed your post about christian approaches to christianity. Three cheers!

  • hawkaw

    I want you guys to make sure you understand the circumstances. Now most of what Jensen has stated is already found at or the JWbloodreview internet site. His understanding and use of the Insight into the Scriptures book is excellent that few talk about or know when discussing Deut. 14:21 and Gen. 9:4.

    At the time, Mr. Jensen wrote these letters with the understanding that they were private letters between the WTS and Jensen.

    Someone (or more) got a hold of them in Bethal and sent them out. They have now been published. Mr. Jensen didn't suthorize publication of his letters and as he told me on the phone yesterday - he is "stunned".

    If I were a betting man he is probably really scared now - so it might be in your interest to write him and offer your support - he is going to need it. I have offered him my support, name, phone number and everything I can think of.

    In my not so humble opinion - Jensen has been used as a pawn by high ups in Bethal who are looking for change. Was it worth it? Well, when you are talking life and death of 1000s over the last 10 years compared to an elder's private letters which have good questions, you tell me. I hope Jensen realizes that he will now embark on one of his greatest journeys - learning what freedom is about.

    No doubt there will be one helluva investigation in Bethal over this and it could get bad. And remember folks this is what it is all about.

    So what a year - big time lawsuits, major press releases, upcoming dateline show on peds, blood scandal and, oh yeah, some pesky sex act with a scarlet coloured beast has been made public.

    What can I say except to recall what General Maximus stated in Gladiator. He said something like -

    "when I give the signal.....



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