I want you guys to make sure you understand the circumstances. Now most of what Jensen has stated is already found at http://www.ajwrb.org or the JWbloodreview internet site. His understanding and use of the Insight into the Scriptures book is excellent that few talk about or know when discussing Deut. 14:21 and Gen. 9:4.
At the time, Mr. Jensen wrote these letters with the understanding that they were private letters between the WTS and Jensen.
Someone (or more) got a hold of them in Bethal and sent them out. They have now been published. Mr. Jensen didn't suthorize publication of his letters and as he told me on the phone yesterday - he is "stunned".
If I were a betting man he is probably really scared now - so it might be in your interest to write him and offer your support - he is going to need it. I have offered him my support, name, phone number and everything I can think of.
In my not so humble opinion - Jensen has been used as a pawn by high ups in Bethal who are looking for change. Was it worth it? Well, when you are talking life and death of 1000s over the last 10 years compared to an elder's private letters which have good questions, you tell me. I hope Jensen realizes that he will now embark on one of his greatest journeys - learning what freedom is about.
No doubt there will be one helluva investigation in Bethal over this and it could get bad. And remember folks this is what it is all about.
So what a year - big time lawsuits, major press releases, upcoming dateline show on peds, blood scandal and, oh yeah, some pesky sex act with a scarlet coloured beast has been made public.
What can I say except to recall what General Maximus stated in Gladiator. He said something like -
"when I give the signal.....