I've been married to the same wonderful woman for 37 years. She's been a Jehovah's Witness for 33 of those years, I am not. I studied with the WBTS for a couple of years beginning late 1974 before deciding it wasn't for me. Over the years whatever faith I had faded, first to agnosticism then to disbelief in a personal god. Conversations we've had over the years about the WTBS have generally ended with me angry and her in tears, so we generally just don't talk about it.
We often entertain Jehovah's Witnesses in our home and have on several occasions socialized with a group of several couples from my wife's congregation. Members of my wife's family who are also Witnesses often stay over. Up until a year or so ago I consistently asked if one of our dinner guests would like to ask a blessing at our table and the invitation was always taken up. It was a courtesy that quietly ended a year or so ago when my wife's nephew was disfellowshipped and subsequently shunned, which crossed a line in my mind. A courtesy I have not abandoned yet is remaining diplomatically silent whenever the conversation veers into supernatural beliefs. It doesn't happen often, I think out of respect for my status as a non-JW, but I am finding it more and more difficult to hold my tongue when it does. It is also becoming difficult for me not to start a conversation expressing my doubts about the Watchtower organization, its doctrines and its practices. It is just a matter of time before I speak out.
So, the question to those who have some experience in these matters. What should I expect if I express my views openly to my wife's family and to her WT associates? I'm no shrinking violet, I just like to know what I'm getting into before I open my mouth. Any other coaching that might help me not put my foot in it would also be appreciated.