You are obviously as frustrated as I am, Carla. But, no, she doesn't leave WT literature lying around the house. She has a large collection of books and magazines but keeps them sequestered in her sewing room, which is a space all her own. In deference I do not keep contrarian books lying around, either. I suppose this is similar to your silent rule. How unfortunate, however, that we need silent rules at all.
I have a pretty good relationship with my wife's JW associates, with one or two exceptions. There is one, an elder, who has shown up uninvited at the house on occasion, accompanied by telltail signs of nervousness in my wife's body language. I suspect he has come to assess the "situation", although he has not come out and stated such, which is good because I might otherwise find it difficult to reign in my ire. I have little respect for the man because he seems to have a feigned respect for me, but also because he is not very bright yet overconfident in the illusion of authority he assumes upon himself. There are others, however, I respect a great deal, in spite of the fallacy of their beliefs. These are articulate, intelligent and accomplished people who, to their credit, studiously avoid conversations of a Watchtower nature, if you know what I mean. Regardless, I do not mind having these people in my home so long as they honor the unspoken detente protocol. The gloves might come off the moment they do not.
It seems, Carla, that you and I have the same problem and, if you will permit me to be candid, that problem extends into our approach, which is clearly not working. Reading over Chris' advice above it could be that maybe he is onto something. What is it you, and I, want to accomplish? If the objective is to free your mate from the chains of this organization then going to battle against him is likely going to bolster the opposite outcome. He will become further entrenched and his Kingdom Hall associates will close ranks around him and you will not be allowed to get through. I think that love and patience (control) may be the answer, while dismantling the wall between the two of you one brick at a time. The approach of doing your homework, posing a single question and sticking to the subject gently but tenaciously seems a sound strategy - and just maybe extracting a single structural brick, to continue the analogy, will cause the wall to come tumbling down. But what question to ask? I am gleaning from conversations on this board that the subject of the Watchtower doctrine of having been examined by Christ himself and approved as Jehovah's organization in 1919 may be the one. I believe this is the approach that is recommended by Don Cameron in his book "Captives of a Concept", which I have yet to acquire and read.
Chris, could you expand on things?