1Cor11:17 "In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good."
Things You'll Never Hear a JW Say ...
by sacolton 40 Replies latest jw friends
oh i got one...:
Fuck the world , poor me another one!!!!
I think I'll sleep in on Sunday, then go out for breakfast. Later, I'll drink a few beers and watch the game and not feel guilty about it.
"Merry Christmas"
Little Imp
Thank you
Excuse me
"Let's spark up a fatty."
"Anyone want a hash-brownie?"
"You know, I figured out that the Governing Body is dead wrong on that, so I am going to point this out to the elders and insist they do something about it. They sure as heck don't need to be teaching that in THIS Kingdom Hall." This especially would not be said by a sister.
"I'd rather go the Heaven than live on a Paradise Earth."
White Dove
God bless
Happy Holidays!
Good luck
The world is essentially good. It's just broken in some places. It's up to us to help to fix it.
Lord Almighty!
Praise the Lord!
Praise Jesus!
S/he passed on. (JW's shouldn't say this because "s/he" is dead and in the ground and most certainly did NOT pass on to anywhere).
God willing. (Must be Jehovah willing. Can't say God too many times).
To a teenaged son or daughter. "Honey, God knows you're not ready for the emotions and responsibilities of sex. He does, however, for some reason not have a problem with you being filled with constant desire. That's why God invented masturbation."