Ummmm... greetings all... and may you all have peace!
First, dear Chalam, peace to you... and please, do not take offense at my emphatic statements. My fingers type VERY fast, and so sometimes I slow down to use italics (vs. caps) to emphasize... and sometimes I don't. When you read my statements, please "allow" yourself to hear a soft voice... with stressors where there are italics or caps. Because that really is all that is meant. Please excuse, pardon, and forgive my "style," if you can. Thank you!
Now, then:
There are indeed issues with Matthew 28:19, 20... starting with the fact that it was never stated that way... as corroborated by dear Chalam's quote:
"For we were all baptized... BY one Spirit... INTO one Body."
Notice there, we are baptized by the Holy Spirit (and not IN THE NAME OF the Holy Spirit)... and baptized into one Body. Christ's.
Where did the confusion come from? From mistransliteration of the original HEBREW/ARAMAIC... into Greek... by those who did NOT have the training, guidance, or leading of the Holy Spirit, but simply leaned on their OWN understanding of what was said... because of their MISUNDERSTANDING... of what was MEANT. But WE don't have to misunderstand. WE know about the Holy Spirit! And so, in letting HIM guide us, we can KNOW that the statement originally was:
"Baptizing them in the name of the Father... INTO THE SON... in holy spirit."
Is there more to corroborate that truth? Of course, there is. Because WE are not concerned with 'water' baptism, are we? THAT... was the baptism of "John"... and solely for the Jews/Samaritans (including the Ethiopian eunuch who, albeit Ethiopian by nationality, was a Jew by birth... which is WHY he was in Jerusalem... worshipping at the temple!... and Cornelius, who albeit a Samaritan by geography and possibly nationality (he was from Caesarea, which was in Samaria!)... was an Israelite... by birth!).
Paul did not 'water' baptize many... because HE was an apostle... to the NATIONS. The nations were never UNDER the Law Covenant, so they did need to "repent" of any transgressions against it! They, therefore, only required the ONE baptism... the one that John told of beforehand... baptism... by FIRE.... the "fire" that cleans SO much more than water... HOLY SPIRIT. Not THE Holy Spirit... but God's holy spirit... His life force, blood semen... "water"... of life!
There is a singular name shared by the Father AND the Son/Holy Spirit: JAH. The Father's name is "JAH [Veh]"... and the Son/Holy Spirit's is "JAH [eShua]".
Dear ones... you are walking by SIGHT... and not by FAITH. You are letting the words and symbols that you READ... with your EYES... (or fingers, if you read braille)... "teach" you. Rather than letting the Holy SPIRIT teach you... by means of the anointing that is IN you.
Which, please forgive me for saying this, causes ME to have to QUESTION your profession of HAVING such an anointing! I know you may WANT it... but I must confess that I do not understand how it is that if you indeed HAVE it... you do not HEAR him speak! Or, what you claim to hear... does not comport with what is written that you put YOUR faith in... or even with the truth!
What you are suggesting is that YOU are true... and GOD is the liar. How can that BE??
There is only one baptism... as many you say yourselves. Yet, you keep pushing that 'water' baptism. The word of my Lord to me just now, dear ones is...
"Israel passed through the water, yet they all died. Naaman passed through the water, yet he died. The water that I give you... you must DRINK. It must come to be IN you... so as to bubble up IN you and become a 'fountain' of life... WITHIN you. Life... IN yourselves. The same 'fire' that cleansed the mouths of the Prophets so that they could stand before the throne of the Most Holy One of Israel... is the same 'fire' that must cleanse you. It is 'water' that comes out of ME... and from no other source. It is 'living' water. Those you baptize must pass through THIS 'water'... because it is THIS 'water' that cleanses them of their sins. That water that men know cleansed in symbol of repentance for sins under Moses. For those who were bound to Moses. THIS 'water'... cleanses... forever... those who in union... with ME."
I, myself, SA, have spoken it to you just as I received it from my Lord, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies.
May you be granted ears to hear... if you truly wish them... when the Spirit and the Bride say to each of YOU:
"Come! Take 'life's water'... the holy spirit of God, which spirit is poured out from the inwards parts of His Chosen One and Anointed King... JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... FREE!"
Your servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with, and a slave of Christ,