"We're not here to debate or argue"

by sabastious 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    As a JW I was always taught "never to get into debate or argue with householders."

    You know what is interesting about that?

    The message I had when I went to your door was essentially "Hello, what ever your current belief is... is wrong. I would like to show you the correct way of thinking."


    Are we supposed to assume that anyone who wants to "argue" the fact that what they have believed their entire life is false is NOT WORTH THE EFFORT?

    *shakes head*


  • leavingwt

    You were also there to tell them that their church is "from the Devil".

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Are we supposed to assume that anyone who wants to "argue" the fact that what they have believed their entire life is false is NOT WORTH THE EFFORT?

    Yes that is exactly correct. Anyone not willing to discard their beliefs in favor of whatever the "present truth" of the Borg is, is not "sheeplike" and therefore not worthy of further efforts.

  • isaacaustin

    Exactly, it shows the close-mindedness of the cult. JWs are there to show you (teach, not be taught) that you do not have the truth. They are not there to learn, or examine and find truth. The presmise is that their org is God's org and whatever they say that is authorized by the org is the truth.

  • sabastious

    I don't care how "obvious" the "truth" is.

    You can't expect someone to abandon their beliefs without a fight.


  • isaacaustin

    I remember when we used to tell householders "We're not here to convert you." Now that's a bold-faced lie!

  • sabastious
    I remember when we used to tell householders "We're not here to convert you." Now that's a bold-faced lie!

    lol. Yeah "We're not here to throw you in a sack and bring you to the Kingdom Hall... not until next month's Kingdom Ministry recommends it."


  • Markfromcali

    Actually that's true, in the sense of the JW is there to persuade and influence, facilitate subtle mind control. That is not debate or argumentation, they don't have the skills. And of course, someone who DOES think critically are less likely to buy into it, but then that logically would attract those who don't.

  • xchange

    The sad thing I realized that I was arrogant. Arrogant to believe that I had the right religion and they had the wrong one. Therefore arguing was a moot point. I was there to just rub it in their face - nicely of course - and convert them. Didn't matter if they wanted to argue or convince me, I was so thoroughly blinded by my arrogance that it just didn't matter. I thank the bevy of gods out there that I never was successful in converting a single individual.

    Also, I'm pretty sure from the society's standpoint that it was good not to indulge in critical debate/argument. The less we employed critical thinking and arguing intelligently, the more likely we would continue in our arrogant bliss in having the right religion.

    (shaking head)

  • sabastious
    I thank the bevy of gods out there that I never was successful in converting a single individual.

    The mental conditioning only happens once they become a regular Witness. Everything before is on them 100%. Especially people today, they have a wealth of information before they becomea dub.

    If you ever did convert someone, it was their own fault for falling for a silly trick in the beginning.


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