"We're not here to debate or argue"

by sabastious 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AllTimeJeff

    JWs aren't there to debate or argue. If you do, you aren't the low hanging fruit that doesn't think critically. You probably have a life of your own, with internet access, who googles stuff they don't know about to learn more.

    JW's are there to find the gullable, hurt, easily misled bunch who like the idea of forever, but who have no idea that forever is a concept that is used as a bait and switch tactic by JW's. Because the GB isn't even about eternity.

    Right now, the GB is about moving out of Brooklyn to upstate NY. That can't be debated or argued. Screw forever.

  • isaacaustin
    I remember when we used to tell householders "We're not here to convert you." Now that's a bold-faced lie!

    lol. Yeah "We're not here to throw you in a sack and bring you to the Kingdom Hall... not until next month's Kingdom Ministry recommends it."


    LOL They may be 'debators' but certainly are not very good debaters!

  • sabastious
    The sad thing I realized that I was arrogant.

    This is NOT a somber realization.


    Do you know how many arrogant people DIE arrogent?

    You are an enlightened person. I think you should be very proud that you were able to conquer the greatest foe... your own mind, when it turns against you.


  • minimus

    If JWs close the door, it put them at the advantage (to them).

  • booby

    Or without directly saying it "to judge you" but as the last "brother" said to me after a call that had his partner "an elder" admitting that he didn't get the new generation and able to offer only the "but who will we go away to" and "but you (me) can't deny the time we live in as proof that it is the truth was still able to say "well I can assure you I won't be calling on you again". That was the longest run-on sentence I have typed, but the point I was making is that he out and out judged me.

  • Farkel

    Dubs, like many people, think that "argue" always means a shouting match.

    Argue is a term used in debating and basically means: "you present your evidence, and I'll present mine. You try to rebut my evidence if you can, and I'll try to debut your evidence if I can. If you want to see argumentation in its most beautiful and purest form, then read the dialogues Socrates had or watch the old "Firing Line" with William F. Buckley.

    By the way, dubs lie about not wanting to argue. They invariably will start shouting (or at least raising their voices until the blood veins on their necks are ready to explode) when they get cornered with having no evidence. So you see, they not only don't know what an argument is supposed to be, they violate their own statements about never arguing in the vulgar sense of the term.



    We are not Here to Debate or Argue..

    "We are Taking over the World!!"..

    ''And.."Would like to know"..

    "If You want to Join us or Die?"..


    ............................. ...OUTLAW

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Sab: If you ever did convert someone, it was their own fault for falling for a silly trick in the beginning.

    That's an interesting point. I have guilt over one couple my wife and I studied with*, who eventually "came into the truth." I keep thinking about how I need to call him and let him know it's all wrong, that I'd been tricked and, in turn, I tricked him.

    I forget that he and his wife had the ability to decide for themselves as adults, whereas my wife and I were indoctrinated as children.

    *Technically, we only picked up the study from someone else.

  • Markfromcali

    I look at responsibility as being proportionate to the degree of awareness. At best most of the time people are semi-conscious, the bottom line is when you don't know any better you don't know any better.

  • Ding

    The Watchtower doesn't want debates or arguments at the door.

    They want the householder to shut up, listen, and meekly become a JW.

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