John Walker

by mike047 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Whatever happens to him, I don't feel sorry for him.

    "Sorry, your honor, I was just wearing a Taliban beard, confessing to things I didn't do, and living in an terrorist camp, no prob, you know. I'm a lovely american, I love my country."

    What a pile of horseshit.


  • Seeker


    Quite right, the media is pushing a message, whatever message the corporations and the governments want pushed. Right now the message is war, rah-rah, we're good, they are evil, all of 'em, hang 'em all type of stuff. Did you catch what Bush said when the question was asked if Congress was going to get to the bottom of the Enron mess? He said something like they will, "but there is a war going on and they need to focus on that." He loves this setup! No matter what happens, he can fall back on this non-war and pretend that anyone who doesn't go along is a bad American.

    And people are eating this stuff up, waving their flags, and ready to slit the throats of the people in Cuba, despite having no idea who those people individually are or to what degree they share guilt. Kill 'em, they cry, as they respond to the manipulation of the government and the media.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Here are my thoughts:

    Is there solid documented proof that JWL brandished weapons against US Troops?

    Is there proof he provided administrative support to the Taliban/Al Quaida in the recent past?

    Is there proof he particpated in combat actions directed at US Troops?

    If the only proof is the testimony of "hard-up" and "hard-ass" US Agents and troops, then more investigation is neeeded.

    Yesterday, on NPR a report was given about JWL from his Islamic teacher at the Islamic school in which he studied and lived in while in Western Pakistan. Please click and read/listen for yourself by clicking on Lindh's Training at:

    Consider the above report, all of the other evidence, or lack thereof, and then wait for more information BEFORE passing sentence. He is a human being, he is someone's child, and he is INNOCENT, until PROVEN guilty.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    An additional comment...

    This may cause contention, but consider if JWL was black/hispanic/asian/arabic? Do you think this much consideration would be given, or this much attention?

    What type of defense team, or who would compose the defense team? Would anyone or any organization rise to the occasion? Would Al Sharpton? What about Louis Farrakhan? What about Jesse Jackson?

    What about the Arab-american anti-defamation league? What the United Latino-American Association? I notice the ACLU has not been visible in this case? Why?

    This situation will set precedents for either injustice or punishment, either way. It will be interesting to say the least.

  • Seeker

    An interesting thought has been raised elsewhere about this: Why is Walker in America and all his fellow Taliban prisioners are in Cuba? I thought it was too dangerous to bring the Taliban to America and have a trial here?

    Oh wait, silly me, he's American and the others are icky foreigners.

    Oh wait, didn't the rabid, slit-their-throats-and-ask-questions-afterward class point out that Walker renounced his American citizenship by his actions? So why is he here and the rest of his buddies in Cuba?

  • mike047

    Seeker; This is a presidential dream, it can be spun so many ways so easily. I rarely listen to political comments from him or anyone, because of the manipulation facts.

    UR; you are correct in your statement of facts concerning JWL. I have not condemned him, but am merely speculationg on punishment SHOULD he be found guilty of some infractions. As a side note; during the Vietnam ordeal[which I was a 7 time paticipant]there were a few U.S. service men that changed sides. Anyone know what happened to them?

  • Seeker

    No, what happened to them, Mike?

  • mike047

    Seeker; I don't know as I let that era pass for me. I was hoping some one could shed some light as to what happened. Seems to me there were only 2 or 3 that were actually noted. I don't know if they were even charged.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Utopian Reformist:

    Fortunately for Johnny bin Walker, he is being granted a fair and impartial trial as an American citizen. The Supreme Court has upheld the U.S. code on treason that would view him as a non-citizen just for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. His own words, as indicated in the indictment, betray him. However, the U.S. Justice Department led by John Ashcroft, Bush appointee, has decided to afford him the "luxury" of U.S. jurisprudence.

    So, Mr. bin Walker will, through his excellent lawyer, be able to defend himself against the physical evidence and his own words. What a country, huh?

    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I remember reading the "Secret War of Harry Frigg". Does that ring a bell with any former Army people who served in S.E. Asia in the late 60's and early 70's?

    Also, remember how Jane Fonda visited Hanoi, collaborated with the NV government and was only tarred in the media.

    I will go back and see what I can dig up.

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