Many people, mostly those inclined to believe media reports, feel they know all about John Lindh. Fact is, none really do. That includes his parents. Those who make strong assertions about what he did and didn't do, what he thought and didn't think, are living in a dream world of their own making.
It is quite possible that the boy simply loved Islam and its culture. He would not be the first to do so. There are many aspects of the culture and religion that appeal to basic human nature. For a person, even an American, to prefer that culture over their own is not all that fantastic. Before discussing the role of Islam in the development of Western civilization, my college textbook said this:
"Building on Arabic roots and the new faith propounded by Muhammad, Islamic civilization borrowed freely from the Greco-Roman and Persian heritages to attain a brilliant culture superior in many respects to the cultures of Byzantium and Western Europe." (emphasis mine)
While I understand the Bush Administration's desire to make an example of him and the average TV viewer's readiness to fall in line with that manipulation, personally I have seen little evidence supporting the unique actions that have been taken against him.