A Warning to Elders

by Darth plaugeis 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    What if the Elders tracked you down and show up at your House to inform you of Wrong doing and the action they will take.

    What if the Elders destroyed your Family and now they Stand Before you smiling with the Bible in their hand.

    I know my reaction.... it would not be Pretty... the Police would be at my House very shortly.

    Do they really believe Jah would protect them from those they Wronged? I am not a Violent Man..... but this is like Rubbing your Nose in the Very Pain they caused.

    I say this because..... I sense something is in the mix.

    My Lawyer gave some info because of a Legal matter and if I know these Bastards.......... They better think twice...

  • Scully

    Have them arrested for trespassing. (Hold the pepper spray though)

  • Violia

    Darth, yes, if they come to your proptery, call the police. I don't see an intelligent elder doing that. Probably a certifed letter.

    the wts is currently to my knowledge, nearly impossible to sue. However, individual elders can be sued.

    I think that if they persented you with your posts from here it would be easy enough to deny it , unless you give your real name. Even then one could claim they have been impersonated.

    If they are bothering you it must be over your children. Better lawyer up.

  • wasblind

    With the stress folks are under today, I for one wouldn't want to be the one

    knockin' on the doors of members, informing them of the wrongs they done

    and half of the things their being accused of comes from some spy in the cong

    that don't even know what's really goin' on. My warnin' to the Elders is this :

    Stay at the door, even if the householder offer you in, stay at the door, cause

    if you piss that householder off while your in his house, he can beat on you ass

    alllllll day long, and the cops may not be able to do anything, especially if you

    show up uninvited.

  • undercover
    What if the Elders tracked you down and show up at your House to inform you of Wrong doing and the action they will take.

    The only authority an elder has is the authority that you allow him to have. If one shows up and wants to accuse of 'wrongdoing' and you don't want to discuss it with him all you have to do is order him off your property, tell him to stay off and close the door. Any further appearances and you can have him charged with trespassing.

    Your average elder isn't going to just show up to accuse you of wrong doing. That's when they call and ask to meet. Even then you can say, 'not interested, leave me alone'.

    The downside to that is that if you're trying to fade, this blows that all to hell. They'll DF you in absentia if they really want to. Whether they do or not depends on the assholiness of the particular elders you're dealing with.

    What if the Elders destroyed your Family and now they Stand Before you smiling with the Bible in their hand.

    Again, order him to leave, warn about trespassing and in this case tell him no more attempts at contacting you or there'll be a restraining order taken out against him. You can get the last word and let them know exactly what you think of them and that any further attempts to contact you will result in the authorities being involved.

    But outbursts of anger or violence, whether real or threatened will only increase their persecution complex. They're trained to expect being treated badly by opposers and apostates. By giving in to the anger or threatening actions you confirm to them that you're the trouble maker. Keep cool, keep it simple and let the law handle trespassers or stalking.

  • moshe

    The Elders come to suspected apostate's house late at night- he has been hard to catch at home- ring door bell, ring door bell

    A shill voice answers, " Jesus is watching you"

    "who said that? " the bros called out

    "I did"- peering through the screen the elders saw a large parrot in a cage by the window.

    Who are are you?, they asked

    " I'm Moses, I'm only trying to warn you"

    "Who would give a bird a silly name like that?" laughed the elders

    " The same guy who would name a rottweiler, Jesus, that's right behind you"

  • wasblind

    We livin' in dangerous times. ain't no time to be testin' urban legends

    Every householder,ain't gonna see no Large angel standin' behind you.

  • wasblind

    I'm LMAO Moshe

  • sabastious

    Just open the door in full drag and say your name is Gloria! Then tell them how purty of a mouth he has.

    You'll never see him again!


  • straightshooter

    Post a "No Trespassing" sign in front of your door. Jw are now suppose to obey such signs. They are on their own if they disobey such signs, the WTS will not back them up.

    Also do not accept any certified mail at the post office from any of these jokers.

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