Im afraid Jesus is a myth taken from the Egyptian savior Horus

by foolsparadise 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Jesus = Horus is an internet myth of no substance.

  • HintOfLime
    Yes, you said it correctly, the known laws of physics.

    Oh, so you are postulating to know what is unknown in the field of physics.

    Do tell.

    - Lime

  • believingxjw



    I'm afraid the myth of Jesus coming from the ancient pagan myths is a myth. I guess that's what happens when people with an agenda doing shabby research get behind a keyboard connected to the internet.

  • poopsiecakes

  • Black Sheep
  • HintOfLime

    I'll tell you what is much, much easier to accomplish than to break known laws or establish new laws of physics:

    • To make false reports.
    • To perform sleight of hand, and convince audiences uneducated in sleight of hand (like say.... people in the 1st century) that you've done someting 'miraculous'.

    These things - they are easy. By simple probability, the accounts of the bible are much, much, much more likely to have been one of the above.. than an actual miracle. Several other holy books claim the same miracles as the bible, and no-doubt you dismiss those claims to be one of the above without a second thought.

    In India, there are 'men of magic' who ritually kill their sons in the streets. Bystanders can watch as the knives cut their throats - they see the blood spew out, and the boys drop dead. Then the men of magic "raise them from the dead". These men do it daily, and after their "powerful demonstrations", they sell good luck charms. People believe what they swear to have seen, and buy the charms.

    You can go to India and see these 'resurrections' right now, today. How is what Jesus did any different (except you can't even go and see it?)

    - Lime

  • tec

    How is what Jesus did any different

    Well, for one, Jesus never slit anyone's throat and killed them so he could later resurrect them. For two, he never made a monetary profit or charged for his healing.


  • HintOfLime

    tec: Talk about missing the point (or more likely... intentionally ignoring it.)

    What part of Jesus death & ressurection is impossible to perform via sleight of hand, or falsified report?

    Was Jesus death and ressurrection something that your average Vegas magician couldn't duplicate? Why not?

    Damn - even the bible admits the 'reborn jesus' didn't even look like the 'old jesus'. The 'new jesus' just repeated some of the same sayings and concepts. WOW. Saying something similar to another guy - that is some difficult shit to pull off!

    (Personally, I think it was more a case of falsified report. Someone once lived who said some pretty insightful things - good things. People took to those sayings, and like the child's game 'telephone' - his sayings and story were exaggerated and expanded upon until he became legend. Not unusual, not uncommon, no physical laws broken - just simple human nature.)

    - Lime

  • cyberjesus

    you are not far off. I mean you are in the right track. Keep researching it will be interesting to find any evidence that the Jesus from the Gospels was who we were taught he was.

    I used to be his follower..... and suddenly I didnt have any evidence of his claims.


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