Im afraid Jesus is a myth taken from the Egyptian savior Horus

by foolsparadise 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • believingxjw


    "Oh, so you are postulating to know what is unknown in the field of physics."

    No, I am saying that mankind has not as of yet come to know all there is to know about everything in the universe including the laws of physics. I keep an open mind on science because in my lifetime what science taught in my childhood is not exactly what it teaches today and that's good but it does mean that science is discovering the world through a process not an absolute.

    Can a man appear to walk on water? Can an object appear to be invisible? Some scientists are working on the latter and from what I've read they have achieved some success so how can I say that a man cannot somehow appear to walk on water? But whether or not Jesus walked on water he is not a myth.

  • tec

    (or more likely... intentionally ignoring it.)

    I think I was ignoring YOUR point to make a point of my own :) Sorry.

    But I don't think I can answer your question in any way that would be satisfactory to you. If I tell you that the technology is not likely to have existed for Christ to have appeared before 500 of the brothers at the same time, you'll tell me that it could be falsified. The same about the rising into the sky, or the appearing before Thomas with the same wounds, etc, etc.

    There are a whole bunch of different things that could explain these accounts away OR a single reason in that they could be true OR even a single reason in that it was a big conspiracy and all made up.

    It being true seems simplest to me, but it also requires faith in Christ - the man and the son of God.


  • HintOfLime
    I used to be his follower..... and suddenly I didnt have any evidence of his claims.

    Yes.. but then in anger at the deception you sought out cybernetic enhancements so you could travel back in time as the "Antitypical Jesus". You thought you could simply warn David Connor about YHWY and the upcomming Judgement Day.

    Yet by warning David Connor about "YHWH" you created a future where YHWH was feared and reveared!

    - Lime

  • HintOfLime
    No, I am saying that mankind has not as of yet come to know all there is to know about everything in the universe including the laws of physics. I keep an open mind on science because in my lifetime what science taught in my childhood is not exactly what it teaches today and that's good but it does mean that science is discovering the world through a process not an absolute.

    Not exactly, no - but the fundamentals of electromagnatism have not been elimintated. What was understood about electricity 50 years ago is pretty damn close to what we understand today - just instead of science saying "10.521" it says "10.5214693684...". While Newton's laws of motion still hold true - in large gravitational systems such as the planetary bodies Einstein's Theory of Relativity expands upon it to explain why the orbit of Mars drifts year to year. What significant differences have you observed?

    If I were to say to you "There is a million dollar prize for anyone who can identify ???: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ???, 7, 8, 9, 10".. You'd be a fool to say anything but '6'. The human brain is well adapted at pattern matching. It is basically all our brain really does. Whereas a silicon machine is fundamentally an adding machine - a neural network is at it's core a pattern matching machine.

    So when we identify 300 fossils that indicate evolution, filling in the blanks is something we are well adapted to do. Keeping an open mind is good - but if science can make positive predictions in mathmatics, archeology, in the laws of motion, chemistry, biology, biochemistry, etc., etc... One starts to see a pattern - 1, 2, 3, 4... It is not absolutely certain that the 6'th digit is '6' - but it is a damn good bet.

    Just because we do not know EVERYTHING (which we never will), doesn't mean we don't know ANYTHING.

    - Lime

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    This has something to do on what I read on this thread.

  • believingxjw


    "Just because we do not know EVERYTHING (which we never will), doesn't mean we don't know ANYTHING."

    I agree. But science looks not only for patterns but also anomalies. Just because we do not understand how an event took place does not mean it cannot take place. Leaving out Jesus for a minute here, can it be truthfully and scientifically said that never will man ever be able to at least appear to walk on water? Can we say that mankind will never be able to suspend a natural law such as gravity even for a moment? Can we say that we know for a certainty all the forces in the Universe and that all those forces are bound by the laws we on earth believe are true?

    Are all the forces of nature visible? Do we know all there is to know? Some believe that life exists on other planets is it an absolute that that life would be just the same as ours with our limited physical ability even relative to other animals on earth? If a book had been written about an visitor from space who had the ability to suspend the natural laws or could heal or could perform feats no human could, some would find it easier to believe than the Jesus story. Yet, according to the Gospel of John that was what Jesus was, someone outside of this world, this planet. "In the beginning the Word was and the Word was with God and the Word was God...." It's the religion that gets in the way more than the physical science of it all, imo. The phrase "visitor from another planet" is much more palatable for many than "spirit person" because we find it hard to imagine what we don't understand. Only natural.

  • HintOfLime
    can it be truthfully and scientifically said that never will man ever be able to at least appear to walk on water?

    Appear - absolutely.

    (See that video? If a picture is worth a thousand words... then 2 minutes 34 seconds of video times 29.97 frames per second... that's 4,615,380 times more proof than the bible's "words of goat hearders on payperus in a dead language" provide. Fucking period.)

    Actually do - no.

    Some believe that life exists on other planets is it an absolute that that life would be just the same as ours with our limited physical ability even relative to other animals on earth?

    Of course, at this point, we only have a sample size of 1. So it's impossible to say accurately one way or another. Organic molecules (carbon molecules) can demonstratably form complex shapes and structures without guidance or intervention. So is it merely a matter of time? There is a damn lot of time and space out there (several orders of magnitude... multiples of 10... more than the ancient ignorants of the bible claim their to be) Perhaps the next generation will say for sure.

    If a book had been written about an visitor from space who had the ability to suspend the natural laws or could heal or could perform feats no human could,

    some would find it easier to believe than the Jesus story.

    People think all sorts of unlikely things. We have never confirmed or witnessed such a visit. Such a visit would suggest faster-than-light technologies that with our present understanding appear mathmatically unlikely if not entirely impossible. The amount of energy required to exceed the speed of light exceeds the amount of energy ANY natural element/force is capable of containing. So say 99.9% likelyhood of impossible.

    Yet, according to the Gospel of John that was what Jesus was, someone outside of this world, this planet.

    You left out 'outside of the entire observable universe'.

    "In the beginning the Word was and the Word was with God and the Word was God...."

    So says a book written by people in the bronze age, who didn't know diddly dick. (And 300 years from now, we ourselves will turn out to be intellecual primitives in the infancy of understanding - and yet no known field of science or observation supports the 'magic man in the sky did it' idea.)

    It's the religion that gets in the way more than the physical science of it all, imo. The phrase "visitor from another planet" is much more palatable for many than "spirit person" because we find it hard to imagine what we don't understand. Only natural.

    Absolutely not! Visitors from outside our solar system are equally as unproven and without evidence as 'visitors from the magic fairy spirit realm'.

    - Lime

  • thetrueone

    Lets face it there were a lot of stories of divinities having sons from so called virgins in ancient times.

    Can you say plagiarism.

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    HintOfLime" As I had said on other threads there are things that can not be explained, things that I have seen that science can not explain.

    thetrueone: No watch the vid I posted

  • cantleave

    I think Jesus is based onthe story of ET.

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