Jesus is not a myth. Did he walk on water or heal the sick? Yes, I believe so. Why? Because if you read his teaching, all his teachings, carefully and with an open mind they are more truthful, more beautiful and more astounding than any miracle. He freed women by treating them as disciples allowing them to question him and speak with openly with him and to leave the traditional role of women in their day. He spoke out against religious hypocrisy. He taught the strength of loving our fellow and of loving God as our Father. He broke boundaries between people and he united them as a family. He left the unimportant unimportant. He taught us to remove the rafter from our own eye first before trying to correct another. He was loved because he loved. And he loved because his Father loved. He always gave the honor and credit to his Father not himself. He spoke truth.
What person who loves truth cannot love Jesus as well? What stands between people who love truth and Jesus is not Jesus really but the religious system that arose after his death. The return to religious hypocrisy. The return to the repression of women. The return to rule making triumphing over love of brother and our neighbor. The return to a self-promoting way of worship, one that lords itself over others. As well as the twisting of what Jesus taught into something that serves the purposes of the religionists alone. The Christian religion went full circle back to the things Jesus taught against. Enter the inner circle of leadership in most Christian religions and it would likely not be a model of Jesus teachings but, like the Witnesses, men using Jesus' words as stepping stones upon which their religious edifices, which do not resemble Jesus' teachings, are built.
I don't have to believe in Jesus' miracles to love him and his teachings. I don't even have to believe that he was the Son of God to love him and his teachings. Thomas Jefferson loved Jesus and his teachings but as a son of the enlightenment he did not believe Jesus to be the Son of God nor did he believe in the miracles. He along with the other founding fathers held the truths of Jesus' teachings in their hearts.
Jesus was not a myth but even if one should believe him to be a myth then what a grand myth he was! Ironically, for many, his failing may be in seeming to be too good to be true.
But Jesus is not a myth.
Peace to you, HintOfLime