At what point did you realize JW's were a Cult?

by Think About It 184 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nickolas

    Proverbs 13:20.

  • isaacaustin

    Well Reniaa/Debator...maybe one day when you grow up you can be a cult member in the JWs. or you can be a JW cult-member for Halloween, if you want to test it out!


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Debator is in cult denial and turning the thread more into a debate, rather than people commenting on what lead them to finally see the JW's were a cult. Another thread made me think of Facebook. What other religion gets into your business of keeping up with family via Facebook, or thinks every little problem had demons behind it? No doubt the JW's are a kooky fundamentalist cult.

    Think About It

  • debator

    Hi poppers

    They are accountable for how they use their authority or lack of use too.

    Hebrews 13:17
    Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.

    But if your opinion is they do not do a good job well that is only indicative of your opinion. I think they do a pretty fine job considering the pressure to conform to current immoral pressures on all religions so they longer live by God's moral laws.

  • miseryloveselders

    Hi misery

    thank you for seeing my point of view but I didn't fall for the loaded question of this titled forum do you think I would fall for a more detailed one from you?

    I do not agree with any of those points.

    There are two laws we as humans live by

    Secular law

    Moral law

    The government by God's allowance are abiters of secular law atm And Jesus God's son made our shepherds which we choose from among ourselves as administrators of God's moral law for the whole flock.

    I willingly subject myself to God's moral law.

    You have no problem recognising the authority of governments given secular law so why do have a problem with shepherds that help us live by God's moral laws?

    Debator, I have to say I've believe I'v been reasonably fair with you. I've defended you on a couple occasions. I asked you a sincere question as I see where you're coming from regarding the definition of a cult plus I'm sympathetic toward you being here. I still have some sympathetic bones for this religion. I'm still working it all out as far as what I believe and agree with, and what I don't believe and disagree with. The very first page of this thread I stated that I have trouble labeling the WT/JW as a cult for some of the same reasons that you've mentioned since. What disturbs me is first you insult me by alluding that I'm asking you a loaded question as if I have ulterior motives. Believe me when I tell you, you're not that important to me. Your just another anonymous poster out of millions, posting on one of the many thousand message boards on the web. What do I stand to gain by asking you a question? All I wanted was your perspective, and you decide to insult me instead.

    On top of that, you failed to answer my question. Not only have you insulted my character, but you're also insulting my intelligence. I asked you a simple question. I wanted to know since you have a reasonable argument that the WT/JW is not a cult, than what do you label it? Would you consider it a high control group? I didn't insult you, and I'm not looking to make a fool out of you. I asked you question. If you don't want to answer it because it makes you uncomfortable, than say so. But don't insult my character or my intelligence.

  • debator

    hi nickolas

    nice scripture

    Proverbs 15:31
    He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise.

    Titus 2:15
    These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.

  • yourmomma

    its threads like these with people like debator that helped me realize that JW's do not discuss subjects honestly, and on top of that insult people for simply asking questions. Then when I learned about logical fallacies I could see that JW's use these almost always when they try to debate or defend their beliefs. This thread is a perfect example. It was then, I realized that there is no way that God has anything to do with such dishonest people. I realized it was a cult after reading Steve Hassans book, and observing the behavior of JW's on the internet message boards like this one and topix. I would like to thank debator and all of the other JWs on the internet for helping me to realize that the watchtower is a cult and its members are indoctronated slaves who cannot and will not think for themselves, and will also lie to defend the watchtower, as well as cover up child rape, and also defend child rapists and attack victims of child rape.

    Clearly when you have such a large group of people that defend evil, like child rape, we are not dealing with clear thinking people. We are dealing with members of a mind control cult. Debator makes that very clear. I thank you.

  • debator

    Hi misery

    I do appreciate your points of view on here and enjoy reading your posts but don't you recognise the loaded quality of your question?

    , how would you define them considering the amount of control they wish to exert upon their publishers? How would you define their secrecy and fear of dissention, and intellectual criticizm? Is it safe to say that if they're not a cult, they're at the least a high control group?

    look at all the assumptions of guilt you put on them in it! Everything highlighted in black is a loaded point.

    We are not controliing! We have to administer God's moral law so the question is..Is God's moral law controlling? We are God's publishers not their publishers. What secrecy? Everything we teach and tought is published to the eighth degree I get headaches from the amount of publications quoted on here from the last 100 years or so (never mind the referencing scriptures for everything we teach in principle or basic law).

    fear of dissention? can a religion even function with division as the norm? the fact we have thousands of denominations today is proof that pandering to division just leads to a fractured faith. We are all told to agree with each other under our shepherds this is a personal responsibility to each of us not just our shepherds.

    1 Corinthians 1:10
    I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.

    Intellectual criticism from whom? On the whole people on this forum don't challenge our bible drawn doctrines just our having shepherds. the critisism is usually on functionality of the congregation rather than what we believe. The point always being to try and dismember the need for an authoritive structure within the flock which simply isn't biblical.

    High control? Living by God's moral law means submitting to a specific lifestyle which is stricter than the current immoral world can ever understand. Is it high control to recognise this authority?

  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa, Heb 13:17 ...go back and read verses 7 and 8- obedience to the extent that what is being taught is the word of Christ.

    1 Cor 1:10...speaking of untiy...not uniformity of belief..united in Christ...not to forms sects...Paul explains what he means when he says one was baptized in the name of one person while another of should all be in Christ. dad once said:

    A wise person learns from the mistakes of others

    A smart person learns from their own mistakes

    A stupid person never learns

    Which one are you? You haven't learned from others experiences, you haven't learned from your own as corrections to you hear fall on deaf ears. You never learn.

  • PSacramento

    When did I realize it was a cult?

    When it was far too late for my Mom, Dad and Older sister and I will have to live with that for a very long time...

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