Shame about the cheesy Marvel comics graphics though!
That is unless you love Marvel comic graphics, or if you are the creator of the video :-)
I am open to all strains of thought and will consider something that is presented to me
this is I think the basis of being open minded.
We can't then conplain if we are wrong.
So making choices that lead to conviction of opinion is not a sign of lacking openmindness IMO.
Actually, we CAN complain if we made wrong choices and we CAN also change our choices, thats the beauty of it. We test our choices and analyze them everytime and either keep them or change them. Even conviction is tested in an honest and intelligent manner. When we conclude we are right with no room for error we are closing our mind.
Personaly, I am not comfortable with wearing a lable that says 'atheist' or any other lable. It would suggests that I have come to definite conclusions and closed the door to further advancemen
Where does wearing a label would suggest you closed your mind? Why do you say that saying you dont have a belief in a god (atheist) would close your door for further advancement? So if you and me are having a conversation and I say I am an atheists would you conclude that I had closed my door for further advancement? stucked? Atheism is a state, not religious belief. Saying openly you dont know because you have no evidence, thats the key word, the abscence of evidence... because when the evidence appears then we are swayed by it.
OTO: thanks for the vid