LETS GET SMART: "What parts of science that go against your religious beliefs you DONT AGREE WITH"

by cyberjesus 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cyberjesus

    So, many in here disagree with many aspects of science because they go against their own personal beliefs. So lets all get smarter here and do some research. If you have something that you dont agree with science because it goes against what your religion tell us and lets all do some research about it.

    If we cant find any evidence of it we will switch to disagree with science. Would you do the same if there is evidence of the opposite?

    oh and here is some food for thought.


  • tec

    As far as I know, there is nothing in science that disagrees with my faith. How could there be? Not everything in science is right, of course. Scientists make mistakes too, all the time.


  • SweetBabyCheezits

    CJ, I think you and I should go on a campaign together to spread QualiSoup and TheraminTrees videos through the entire school system. It should be required watching.

    Those guys are incredible communicators, IMO.

  • cyberjesus

    Tim I agree with you.

    Tec: Not everything in science is right, of course. Scientists make mistakes too, all the time

    ok So please give us an example. How about evolution? the age of the earth? The Flood? There has to be something that you dont agree.

  • tec

    I don't know. Global warming might be a fraud. Its validity is up in the air right now, and that would be a case of science being wrong. Dogs see more than in black and white, contrary to what science once said. Women are not less intelligent than men - scientists once said that, yes? (and no, that is not up for debate ) Sharks were thought as man-eaters once, we now know that we are the least tasty of all their prey. Big bang is accepted by some and argued by others. When science proves something, it might not be wrong, but scientific theories are often wrong - or at least not fully explored yet.

    I have no problem with evolution. Or with the long age of the earth. There could be mistakes, something in the science that was overlooked, regarding carbon dating and such - but unless that is proven, then I'll go with what the scientific facts say. Doesn't affect my faith in any way at all. The flood could have been a localized flood, and written in accordance with the perceptions of the people at the time. Or it could have been worldwide, and science has not yet discovered the proof of that. Again, makes no difference to my faith either way.

    Its hard for me to agree or disagree with science, CJ, because most of it is out of my realm of knowledge. But I keep an open mind, either way, because I don't understand all the backs that have been stood on to get to where we are, and I usually like to know every detail before I am comfortable fully accepting a theory or 'fact'.


  • notverylikely

    Global warming might be a fraud. Its validity is up in the air right now, and that would be a case of science being wrong.

    Completely agree. We know that global climate change does happen, apparently on a failly regular basis. I think that what is up for the debate is the rate and the cause.

    Women are not less intelligent than men - scientists once said that, yes? (and no, that is not up for debate

    Exactly. They are definitely better at lots of things, like figuring out how to separate, wash and fold the clothes, making me a sammich, doing the dishes.

    I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

    I like your attitude from what you wrong later on, the cut of your jib, so to speak.

  • tec

    I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

    Well, I did put it out there :)

    But I don't separate clothes - I throw them all in, in one big fabric and color melting pot lump... and I don't read labels so if someone's bought something that needs special care then they shouldn't have brought it into my house. I was also once instructed on how to make a proper sammich (and then I went on a sammich making strike for about three years).

    But I am good at the dishes.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I find it interesting that none of the theists here find evolution to contradict their Garden of Eden story. Or the scientific proof that there was never a 'global' flood to be no conflict either.

    Addtionally, science in general has never accepted invisible people, hiding in the clouds. Or the idea that man is 'sinful'. Of course science does not actively delve into these matters I suppose, but in general science seems to be in direct opposition to the delusions of 'faith'. Faith is all about believing things that cannot be demonstrated, proven, or seen. Science is all about demonstration of reality, proving of reality, and seeing reality.

    Of course, delusions being what they are.....


  • designs

    Were there high tide water marks on the earliest Pyramids.........

    I always admired the Awake magazine science articles, they always ended with 'God did it shutup'



    Ah! There's the rub.

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