LETS GET SMART: "What parts of science that go against your religious beliefs you DONT AGREE WITH"

by cyberjesus 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ProdigalSon

    Can "conventional" or "mainstream" science explain exactly how psychics communicate?

    Or how a UFO flies?

    Or remote viewing?


  • designs

    Men Who Stare At Goats..............the documentary

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    It's not SCIENCE that's the problem it's philosophy. Some areas of science (like cosmology for example) blur the lines as to what can and can't be known. It's not the asking of the questions, it's how you (epistemologically) KNOW the answer.

  • designs

    A Galaxy believed to be one of the earliest in the known universe was recently discovered. Good science at work. Think of the smart kids who developed the instruments and math to find it.

    There's hope

  • PSacramento

    I think that of people that the bible to be literla in the 100% sense of the word then, yes, they would have some issues with many things of science.

    Those of Us that interpret the bible in regards to what sceince (amongestother things) tells us, view things differently and try to understand what was written as oppossed to taken what was written at face value, sometimes even in spite of what science has proven to be fact.

    For me, science is NOT at odds with my faith, quite the opposite in fact since science helps me to understand it better.

  • designs

    PS, you old progressive you

    Rational science has that effect. The Church of Rome condemned astronomers for their findings of the sun and earth positions but eventually had to give in.

  • PSacramento

    The church of roman didn't condem anyone, not the way most people think and lets not forget that Copernicus was a priest and Galileo got in trouble NOT because of what he aid but HOW he said ( satire of the Pope).

    For many years, centuries really, the Chruch was the source of funding for science and many scientists were priest or at least quiet rleigious.

    What we should be asking ourselves NOW is WHY the change "NOW", why the reluctence of SOME to what science has proven to be fact ( as much as science can prove anything to be fact).

    The Church accepted the theory of geocentricity ( SP?) when it was proven and not just a speculation and that is a very healty way to go to be honest.

  • designs

    Wasn't Galileo under Church censorship and confined to his home, circa 1616, the Church held that Joshua 10:13 was a real accounting of the solar system- geocentric vs heliocentric.

  • unshackled
    The Church accepted the theory of geocentricity ( SP?) when it was proven and not just a speculation

    PS...I think you meant heliocentricity was proven. Geocentrism was the ancient belief that the earth is at the centre of the universe. Heliocentricity is what we now know...the sun is at the centre of our solar system and the earth revolves around that.

    Oddly enough, there are still some groups that believe in geocentrism. Though I'm never too surprised by what humans can delude themselves with.

    CJ and SweetBaby: much agreed on QualiaSoup videos. They are all excellent...especially the 'Putting Faith in its Place' one.


    The Romans and Greeks had more than 300 gods and demigods.

    These gods had families, histories and each has been assigned a special job to do. Yet - Science has rejected every one of them as imaginary or mythology. Would you believe it!

    Hail Caesar and may your gods go with you!

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