Asked a co-worker to join Egg and me for my BD dinner...

by White Dove 64 Replies latest social relationships

  • AudeSapere

    Lack of timely answer means that he could not think of graceful way to decline and was hoping you'd forget and move on to someone else. Or waiting to hear who else is attending. Just the three of you can be too much pressure for some people.

    He might be thinking that Birthday Dinner is more intimate than he is interested.

    Also, since it's your birthday, he might be thinking you expect him to pick up the tab.

    Have a nice Birthday Dinner without him.

    Maybe invite co-workers and/or neighbors out for a quick drink after your shift? 3 or 4 co-workers for 30 minutes is easy to 'endure' for those who are timid or uncertain.

    Have a nice Birthday Dinner without him.


  • braveheart

    Happy Birthday White Dove !! It was nice of you to invite him...he's just a weenieboy...don't sweat it...his loss. -BH

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Thank you all so much! I didn't exactly view it as a date but as reaching out for friendship, since we have so few yet in this new place.

    It did still take a truck load of guts to ask him, though. Not in the habit of being the first to do so.

    I like the idea of drinks with co-workers. They are such a great bunch of people.

    They endure my lousy Spanish and are helping me learn it.

  • jamiebowers

    Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great night out.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Happy Birthday White Dove!


    Happy Birthday Wishes - White Dove!

    It could be that he thinks the term 'a nice place uptown' is a coded way of asking him for the Kama Sutra.

    He may not be ready to go uptown just yet. Perhaps you should start off with a walk in the park.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    He's probably tight-fisted and didn't want to buy you a pressy as it's your birthday


  • Joshinaz

    Happy Bithday

  • mrsjones5

    Yeah, he couldn't think of a gracious way to say no so he took the wimp way out and said nothing.

    Have a Happy Birthday anyway White Dove.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Aww, thanks guys! I really appreciate it.

    He's the same one who when I see walking to work, I pick him up if we start at the same time.

    You'd think at 35 years of age he'd have learned how to get along with others and how to communicate more effectively.

    Turns out that we were supposed to work today but he had exchanged shifts with another person.

    Now, I could be wrong, of course, but it seems likely that he's too chicken to see me at work so soon after wimping out with nary a word.

    But, I could be wrong. I gave him the benefit of the doubt about the weird faces he has made at me and asked him if anything was wrong.

    He laughed nervously and said no. So, I took him at his word and went on like nothing was wrong.

    I'm just going to put him in the "weird" box with others I've met throughout life and leave him be.

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