ks10-e (official release), Letter from Bro. who scanned it! Newer version with BOE LTRs

by yknot 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yknot

    While an earlier version was made available privately the time has come to 'progress'.

    Conscious Class and Ex both strongly adhere to not keeping things 'hidden' in regards to WTS publications, talks and documents which are circulated in order to maintain it's position.

    Another wonderful poster (who has yet to give me permission to name) has 'reduced' and 'bookmarked' the first full copy link I was given by our 'winner'.

    In this newest and final 'clean' copy link you find two other additions besides the reduction/bookmarking..... the Brother who uploaded the entire book wishes all to have a copy that includes both BOE LTRs (pre-KS LTR and Spiral Binding LTR)

    Also another development has occurred.... the Brother responsible for this book being brought into light and put forth for public consumption and discussion has requested I post this letter explaining to 'us' (JWN posters/global audience) and 'them' (WTS of Penn & NY).

    I ask you give attention to his words/ experiences as he is representative of a newly emerging demographic within the Conscious Class

    So without further ado I give you his link and the 'stage' if you will to 'Brother Johnson'......

    [Link removed - contact yNot for further info - Lady Lee]

    Brother Johnson:

    I am a long time servant of Jehovah, babtized in late teens. Being a spiritualy minded young man I applied to Bethel and was accepted. I served faithfully for 20 years in a variety of assignenments and meet many wonderfull people and had, what I thought, was the privilidge of supporting Christs Brothers. I developed a health problem that precluded me from carrying out my work assignments and left me physically weak. My condition persisted and it was timetly recomended that I leave Bethel Service. I understood and was grateful for my time there. I was kindly taken by friends and over the course of several years recovered my health.

    My situation though was difficult. I was in my late 40's and had no real world experience in the work force, no training to speak of, but I trusted in Jehovah. As my health improved I strongly desired to support myself as I felt I had already been a burden on the couple who had taken me in. I found employment as a janitor with a local brother. The physical work was tirering, given my condition, but satisfying. Over the course of the next ten years I regained much of my strength and continued to devote myself to serving Kingdom Interests. I was ultimatly able to serve as an Elder, a privledge I have enjoyed for almost 30 years. Despite the difficulties of old age and infirmities brought on by a life of physical labor I told myself it was all for Jehovahs Glory! But much has changed....

    In the last few years I have begun to question much. In 1935 when I was born it was thought the end was imminent*. My parents believed I would never go to school in this System of Things. I reached out for organizational goals. Both of my parents died in this System, faithful to what they believed was the Jehovah God's Organization. I served twenty years at head quarters under the same ideal. Now I too have grown old, and have begun to doubt how near the end really is. Recent adjustments to our understanding of Jesus prophcey of 'this generation' ** have convinced me that my parents served, not Christ, but men and that I too have been deceived. It stretches the bounds of reason that Jesus was speaking of "overlapping" groups of anointed followers of Christ. Further, from my own experiences and personal interactions with former Presidents of the WTS I know they held no such understanding.

    However the final blow, and what has prompted me into action, was the Annual Meeting this year. I was invited to attend, as I frequently have had the privledge to do so. In one of the talks it was put forth, those who have grown old in this system and begun to question the wisdom of Kingdom sService and forgoing secular jobs and opportunties were compared to the Isrealites who murmured in the wilderness.. Tears of bitterness welled up in my eyes at that! A life spent in whole souled service compared to those who were punished by Jehovah God for unfaithfulness! How dare they devalue the sacrifice of so many, including my parents, and so many dear friends who sacrificed the chance to have children or as in my case to even marry, all for the Kingdom..... Even now I struggle to maintain my composure. A life of sacrifice and denial reduced to regret and bitterness...

    My nephew tells me that many former brothers and sisters long ago came to understand what I have only learned too late and are working to help others. He indicated that it may be useful to you and other to have copy of the new Kingdom Ministry School textbook. I am glad to provide mine to you. I can only hope the information will help others to avoid wasting their life in Service to unappreciative men rather the loving Jehovah God I still believe exsists and cares!

    Thank you for taking the time to listen the incoherent ramblings of an old man. I trust you will do your utmost to make sure it is shared with all.

    Your Brother in Christ

    Yknot's notations

    * Being born in 1935 he grew up in a time that told him and his parents that Armageddon by 1941 was but mere 'months away' (Watchtower, September 15, 1941, p. 288) -- for older Watchtower publications reference checks or learning opportunities please consider http://www.archive.org/details/WatchTowerBibleandTractSocietyofPennsylvaniaWatchTowerpubs_0 and JWN's Poster Chasson absolutely delicious collection of Pre-Awake magazines.... http://www.wtarchive.org/deposit/ )

    ** : The 'Jesus meant overlapping generation" 1st debuted by Bro. Barr 2009 AGM, published in April 15, 2010 WT article entitled ""Holy Spirit's Role in the Outworking of Jehovah's Purpose"" para 13-14.

    While I have pleaded Bro. Johnson to become an active member, he has steadfastly declined citing his desire to reachout to his peers and the younger Friends as he continues serving as a Elder within his circuit. He feels he is too long in the tooth to leave and discerns the weight of his words in giving counsel, admonishment and encouragement to those asleep.

    God Bless you Bro. Johnson and to all like you waking up late in life, we love you, we are here for you when you are ready!

    [link removed]

    Thank you all for giving our ks10-e benefactor your time! He wishes me to extend his warm wishes, love and gratitude to all! I of course on our behalf also return said sentiments!


  • CuriousButterfly

    I cannot seem to download the files

  • CuriousButterfly

    It is working, my bad.

  • yknot

    oh and everybody please feel free to post his link on every Ex and Pro JW site you know of on the planet!!!!

    I know JWR and JWS have been 'tagged'....

  • doinmypart

    Got it.

    Thank you Yknot and everyone involved. I hope Johnson finds peace of mind.

  • laverite

    The Bethel boys have gone to bed. While they sleep,freedom rings throughout the land as the conscious class celebrates the worldwide release of these documents. Thank you Yknot, Bro. Johnson, and the countless others who have worked hard on this endeavor! Time is not on the side of the Watchtower Corp. Days, months, years, decades, and centuries go by leaving behind a trail of failed prophecies. And now, the Internet! Watchtower Corp will never be the same. Thanks to the conscious class, Watchtower secrets will continue to be exposed. True light shines on the cult!

  • CuriousButterfly

    Gone to bed and SHOULD be off until Monday morning.

  • Rabbit

    "Bro. Johnson," ya' made me cry...

    My nephew tells me that many former brothers and sisters long ago came to understand what I have only learned too late and are working to help others. He indicated that it may be useful to you and other to have copy of the new Kingdom Ministry School textbook. I am glad to provide mine to you. I can only hope the information will help others to avoid wasting their life in Service to unappreciative men rather the loving Jehovah God I still believe exsists and cares!
    Thank you for taking the time to listen the incoherent ramblings of an old man. I trust you will do your utmost to make sure it is shared with all.

    Thank you! I wish someone like you had been able to save my mom, family and myself from so many long wasted years. The technology today will run the WT into the ground.

  • Gayle

    Thank you Ynot and Brother Johnson for both of your efforts to let there be no more secrets of the Governing Body and their organization. My heart tugs greatly for Johnson and how much the WTS took away from him and so many others.

    How awful to feel that we have been conned, that our sincerity and spirituality was wrongly used and twisted, to where we asked for nothing but the truth and to live in the joy of it. When we realized that, bitterness sets in for awhile. Now to see ones coming out, even at older ages and recognize the fact and we must try to make an ongoing effort now to express the real facts about the deceiving WTS organization so that others personally can be spared and that others can have a free mind and tap into their real life, guided by their own conscience and real truth.

  • BabaYaga


    Dearest Brother "Johnson", you have brought tears to my eyes. I would be so very proud to call you my own brother. I cannot thank you enough for this, what you have done and what you have said. Just know that I am deeply grateful and I have heartfelt appreciation and love for you, although we have never met.

    And thank you, too, amazing Yknot! You astound me. I do not know how you do it.

    And I want to send a hug to my Rabbit!

    Love and thanks to all,

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