Brother Johnson, there are many who have suffered at the hands of the Watchtower, and we have already lost our families for it. What you have done is to insure that no one has to lose out to the Watchtower ever again if they use the "shepherd" book to beat this cult at its own game. Your sacrifice does not go unnoticed by us. Thank you. It is my most ferverent hope that God, fate or whoever is in charge, will make the rest of your days joyful ones.
ks10-e (official release), Letter from Bro. who scanned it! Newer version with BOE LTRs
by yknot 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
JW GoneBad
I too am posting for the first time. I've been visiting these boards for a number of years as an observer and am impressed. Currently am serving as a M.S. and have served as an elder in the past, but by choice am no longer. To quote Bro. Johnson (and well put by the way).... 'they devalue the sacrifice of so many' is no news to me. I have seen over the years many an individuals' sacrifice 'devalued' for no good reason. I truly believe that this talk about the new elder book and exposing the faults of the authors is what is going to bring many more like myself out of the wood work and force the sociey and its' leadership to answer for their mistreatment of the flock. All the more reason to keep this issue at the very front. As was said in an earlier post...'they have made many to bleed, it is time for the WTS to do a little bleeding of their own'!
I too would like to know who of the GB made the comment comparing our faithful ones who have grown old in the organization to Isrealite murmurers. He especially should answer for that insensitive comment. Thank you Yknot for the elder book link. I just down loaded, hole punched it and put it in a three ring binder. All I need now is my personal invite and I.D. name badge to attend the school. I won't hold my breath!
Lady Lee
welcome to the board
what an experience, i thought id stayed in too long, but i really do feel for those that are too many years into their life to make such changes, but i have to say that they can do so much good for youngsters still in, and they can dilute some of the poison and control as a trojan freedom virus!!, that we that have left cannot do now because jws would see us as fromthe devil,
how would one download the kingdom ministry school text book that bro johnson spoke of? im in the uk, and is there a copy of the elders book that could be downloaded? cheers
Witness My Fury
I sent you a PM breathing. Click the envelope top right of screen, ...message should be there but you may have to click it twice to open it (error given 1st time)
Yknot: Awesome work as always!
Thank you Yknot and 'Brother Johnson'!!! I woke up at age 25, I cant imagine the dissappointment someone at age 75 might feel. I look forward to seeing more people wake up from the watchtower pipe dream as the years pass by...
St George of England
I've seen pictures of upstate properties, where it is new, landscaped paradise, with all the amenities.. anyone have those pictures,, the old rank and file people have to be shown those pictures that their Governing Body own and live, while their old rank and file struggle with their reality.
I always used to think the GB lived at Brooklyn HQ in modest accomodation. I recently read on here that Jack Barr's wife lives in TCI in very comfortable surroundings.
It would be very interesting to any photos/details of GB's other accomodation.
Open mind
JW Gone Bad said:
"I too would like to know who of the GB made the comment comparing our faithful ones who have grown old in the organization to Isrealite murmurers. He especially should answer for that insensitive comment. "
That would be Mr. David Splane who has some 'splainin' to do.
Here's the last paragraph of notes from his talk "Have You Entered Into God's Rest?":
Many of you say you never expected to get this old in this system. But, you did expect to get this old; just not in this shape! Do we still have Jehovah’s purpose clearly in mind, his purpose for me, personally? We are to keep on the watch. We need to support that in word and deed. By our comments do we show we are we just as convinced we fully believe we’re living in the time of the end, or do our comments show we long for the leeks and onions? Do you say, “If only I had gone to university, taken that promotion, started that business, etc.” Are there areas of our life that need adjustment to bring them in line with Jehovah’s purpose? Jehovah has confidence in us. We need to show our support for his sovereignty. Let us all do our utmost to enter into God’s rest.
Here's the link if you want to check out the rest of the talk and the whole self-agrandizing Annual Meeting.