According to this thread from Billyboy, 4 members of the GB gave talks at the annual meeting.
ks10-e (official release), Letter from Bro. who scanned it! Newer version with BOE LTRs
by yknot 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Here are some highlights from the 2010 Annual meeting;
Branch Overseers/Representatives from around the world gave greetings from their branch and gave some encouraging experiences from the field. Here are just a couple;
Russia--There have been a lot of problems reported about Russia for the past two years. As you are aware of some of the things that God's people have had to endure there, it seems that true to the scripture at Ish. 54:17; "No weapon...formed against [us] will have no success." Case In Point: When the brothers took their case to the European Supreme Court they won their case and now they are just waiting to see if the Russian government will honor that court's decision. But meantime, the brothers and sisters have had their kingdom halls vandalized (by priests and mobs), meetings interrupted by the police and their literature confiscated. But all that they (the Russian government) have accomplished is that more people are wanting to see for themselves if the allegations about the Witnesses is true, this of course has given rise to meeting attendance and Bible studies. Also on one occasion, the brothers were wanting to attend and show their support at a court hearing, but were kept outside as the court room was filled to capacity with angry priests. So the brother who was representing the Witnesses in the court room asked the Judges if he could have permission to read a Bible text before the court. The judges allowed him and so he begin to read out loud to all the audience (of priests) Matthew 23. After yelling out "Woe to You" ,"Serpents, offspring of vipers", "hypocrites", "false teachers", and "false prophets" by the brother in his reading, many of the priests left and did not return for the next following days, allowing the brothers and sisters from neighboring congregations to come in and show their support.
Haiti--as you know was hit by a massive 7.0 earthquake, on Jan. 12th 2010, killing over 220,000 people and devastated the entire country. Approximately 154 of our brothers and sisters died in that quake as well as many that were severely injured and left homeless. The quick relief effort by the friends around the world is in the December Watchtower and Awake. The religious leaders in that country told the people that God was punishing them and that He was killing all the wicked people in their country. The Haitian branch representative, telling the story, then remarked that Haiti's prison system had lost some 9,000 prisoners who had escaped and still on the loose---so God must have forgot about them. Everybody laughed. He then went on to relate that since the earthquake, meeting attendance has tripled, and all the kingdom halls have to meet twice, because they don't have enough room for all that attend. Each meeting averages about 250 per kingdom hall meeting. The branch representative also remarked that many Haitian youths are taking to the truth and many are bringing in their families. He went on to relate how that many were impressed with the way Jehovah's people pitched in from around the world with supplies; they did not leave when the T.V. cameras and crews left, nor were they interested in getting publicity for their efforts; the way that they also provided for their fellow brothers and sisters as well as their neighbors was also a huge witness in itself to the natives of that country. It is going to be very interesting to see the report for Haiti in next year's yearbook.
There were talks given from four members of the Governing Body, here is just a few of the points and highlights given, as follows;
POINT 1): The question should not be IFone will survive the Great Tribulation, but rather WILL one survive UNTIL the Great Tribulation. We have yet to see the problems that the Great tribulation will cause. We need not be concerned with enduring the GT because once started we have Jehovah's divine protection. The problem is the events that lead up to the GT, and that is what may take many out of the truth. Many older ones already are telling the younger ones how they regretted not getting an education, pursuing a lucrative career, saving up money or not having a retirement plan. The sad truth is that such ones are like the murmurers of Israel when coming out of Egypt. Such ones wanted to go back to Egypt, not realizing Egypt was later to be defeated by the Babylonians and what was in store for them (the nation of Israel) was "the promised land that flowed with milk and honey." The same is true with such ones today, they fail to realize that all of the world's economies are drying up, 401k's, stocks, fortune 500 companies and money values are dropping like crazy. Pursuing such a foolish course would have only temporarily protected them, but in the end pursuing God's way did and does work out better. Especially since we have God's assurance of things yet to come upon the earth; 1) The destruction of Babylon the Great by the UN and the world's governments, which is going to invariably affect God's people; 2) The Great Tribulation, which is going to be so bad that Jesus said that never "had such a thing occurred, nor will occur again" (Matthew 24:21). The GT is going to cause people everywhere to become faint out fear, not knowing what to do (Luke 21:26), however God's people will be confident and assured of God's protection, from the fulfillment of the prophecies they will have seen for themselves, thus giving them the assurance that all of God's promises will indeed soon come true. Thus is the theme for next year's text, "(Zephaniah 3:12) . . .they will actually take refuge in the name of Jehovah. . ."
POINT 2): Jehovah's celestial chariot is on the move--at the speed of light according to Ezek. 1:14, and here is just a glimpse of how the organization has been moving in tune with God's celestial chariot (organization and rulership), since 2006;- 2006 -- U.S. Bethelites workforce greatly reduced and sent into the field ministry as Special Pioneers, Circuit Overseers, Congregation Elders and servants;
- 2007 -- Fast-paced symposiums implemented as a part of the teaching program at our conventions and assemblies.
- 2008 -- The term "presiding overseer" changed to the term “coordinator of the body of elders." Greater clarification of what is meant by "the [final] sealing" of anointed ones in our day (Rev. 7:1-3), and the term "generation" used by Jesus (at Matthew 24:34)
- 2009 -- "Congregation Bookstudy" meeting changed to "Congregation Bible Study" and combined with Theocratic Ministry School and Service meetings, thus allowing for a special day for family worship. Many of the world branches had been consolidated for better translation, more efficiency and cost-savings.
- Ministerial Training School (MTS) will be changed to "Bible Study for Single Brothers" and a new school will be implemented for couples over 18 and under 50, that have pioneered for at least two years, called "Bible Study for Married Couples," and the graduates will be considered for Gilead, missionary and circuit work assignments.
- CO's, Coordinators and Elders to attend another (2nd) KM school, to be announced later in 2011.
- Branch Bethel staff to be reduced to 75.
(Zephaniah 3:12) "And I shall certainly let remain in the midst of you a people humble and lowly, and they will actually take refuge in the name of Jehovah." -
Mickey mouse
Matt 24: 45 “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? 46 Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. 47 Truly I say to YOU, He will appoint him over all his belongings.
48 “But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’ 49 and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 50 the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, 51 and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be.Since the governing body are so keen on portraying themselves as the slave in verses 45-47, I just thought I would point out that IMHO, they are doing a much better job of fulfilling verses 48-51.
Brother Johnson, many thanks for your work and for your open words - I too hope that you will find peace.
And I posted a summary of your letter in the major German Ex-JW board:
I feel for Brother Johnson, please thank him from all us here on JWN
I was moved by his letter and hope him the best for his remaining years.
Thank you too Yknot :)
Thanks, Yknot. Please pass on my thanks and well wishes to 'Brother Johnson'. It's heartbreaking to see what is happening to many of the older ones in the congregations - they really are abused and neglected sheep.
Thank you 'Brother Johnson', You sound like you've been a joy to ones serving with you for many years. It's truly disheartening to hear them browbeating the faithful older ones of the flock, especially when they should be showing loving care and compassion for them. There will have to answer for this.
Brother Johnson.
Nice to meet you.
Well, I think that you are a real "elder."
When I was an active JW, I wanted to be in your congregation. I think so."Elders" (Japanese JWs) like you are also in my forum.
But they do not do helpful work like you.
Therefore, we cannot obtain that book in Japanese.I respect you.
God loves you and so do I.
From Japan.possible
YKNOT & " Brother Johnson " - You both are my new heroes. Thanks so much for giving access to important information which will assist many of us with JW relatives and JW elder relatives to know what information they know - without them KNOWING we know. Pretty cool.
Br. Johnson - I am so sorry you had to find out about this horrid truth about the WT organization so late in life my friend. I feel your pain. Was in it 44 years myself. My JW parents 85 & 83 have been in it for 60 years ! After reading how insensitive the annual meeting was comparing long time members to " murmurers " just because they lost out on job opportunities in this world- I not only felt a sense of sadness but my anger runs EXTREMELY deep towards the WT society ! It's one reason my own adult daughters won't talk to me now- due to being so mind controlled by this JW cult !
That's why it's so important for ALL of us to shout out from the rooftops about the injustices going on and the scam and coning of millions of people to their detriment ! Thanks again Yknot & Johnson ! You are the greatest. Keep up the good work ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Sam Whiskey
Brotherly love to you Bro. Johnson. And a big hug for you too YNOT. There are some real gems left in this world, and you two are priceless....
Warm love to the both of you....