welcome jws gone bad.i think as a servant it was exciting to be included with secret and confidental info.i believe many enjoy this and remain.
ks10-e (official release), Letter from Bro. who scanned it! Newer version with BOE LTRs
by yknot 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Heads up yall...... the WTS has issued another BOE regarding the KS and I am awaiting yet another updated version of the KS to email and PM everyone who has emailed or PMd me!
You can read a bit about this new development and make format suggestions on this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/200929/1/ks10-e-NEWS-Additional-LTR-notation-PLEASE-READ
Yknot- trying her best to keep abreast and at pace with the Jehovah God and his Organization under the direction of the FDS who is represented by responsible men in NY who make up the 'governing body'..... (anybody seen Jesus lately or is he on an extended vacay?)
Witness My Fury
He's in Vegas on a roll at the casinos,.... last I heard.
JWGoneBad and jj123jj123!!!
Glad yall have joined and are talking!
I can't wait to hear more from you and what your observations are on all things JW!
Comments from Bro. Johnson
He sends thanks and expresses heartfelt love, respect and admiration for everyone!
He wanted me to assure everyone that he is going to be okay and isnt' bitter but feeling 'empowered' like nothing else, he refuses to post because he isn't sure he can handle the 'floodgates' of emotion he is trying to sort. Until then he wants everyone to know he is enjoying mental freedom and his new 'zeal'. He isn't worried about Bethel identifying him. Should he be deleted or reduced in service it would only cause others to stumble as he has been a stellar foot soldier!
Hugs to everyone and when the newer KS link with BOE Oct 12 comes to my email I will pass it along.
Dear Brother Johnson,
Your account of how traumatizing and dismaying the words spoken at the annual meeting by a gb member affected you, brought back disturbing memories that affected me even to this day of a similar incident. I do not usually talk much of myself, but this time I will make an exception, to show you that I understand, you are not alone.
I am four years older than you are. I attended the class of Gilead in the class of 59/60 at South Lansing. It that time one of the instructors was Maxwell Friend, (his last name is his chosen misnomer, as he changed his Jewish name back in Germany in prewar days.) He taught public speaking or something similar. I had spent the previous five years before Gilead, pioneering in the province of Quebec. It was a tough place to be, mobs and arrests were still taking place from time to time. My heart was set in serving Jah with sincere devotion.
In Maxwell’s class, I was scheduled, to give a talk on a Wednesday. He had once made it known that if a sister had her period and felt she could not give her talk when scheduled then it could be postponed. She was supposed to give her talk on the Monday. He made it known to the whole class why she couldn’t give her talk. I don’t think any sister ever used that excuse again. The speaker scheduled for Tuesday, was not ready, so he turned to me. I don’t remember all the conversation, but the words: you are robbing Jehovah! Are seared in my memory to this day. After five years of labor in the pioneering field I was told I was robbing Jehovah.
In afternoons, my daily chores were to do the floors of the three classrooms and large auditorium and dining room. His desk was in his classroom. I was so troubled all afternoon, I couldn’t work, I had to do something so I cranked up the courage to approach his desk and tell him my feelings. There was no apology, or solace forthcoming. I must have gotten through to him though, for a few minutes after he left his desk and disappeared for the rest of the afternoon.
This expression, "robbing Jehovah", seems to be current vocabulary of those days. I remember another missionary girl telling me how Brother Knorr, told her class that if they got married (missionaries were not to get married for two years) they were “robbing Jehovah”
I do not have facilities for do a search of WT publications. I s it possible to search the literature to see if this expression is used elsewhere? Can anyone do it?
Brother Johnson,
I also admire your courage not to flee from any consequences that Powers that Be may retaliate for the disclosures you have made.
My thoughts are with you,
pirate bay . org is down? It it just me?
St George of England
I s it possible to search the literature to see if this expression is used elsewhere? Can anyone do it?
"robbing Jehovah" - used very rarely and almost always in relation to the Israelites and tithing
"YO HO, YO HO, A pirate's life for me!"
Hey Dave, maybe the older ones are longing for the leeks and onions because you punks haven't given them any manna?