many thanks, PSacramento. It seems your references agree with my earlier understanding. I am looking forward to reading them through before continuing my conversation with my wife.
On your comment about slaughters instigated on religious grounds vs numbers killed during the wars in the last century, one might associate the genocide of the Jews as religion-inspired, but the rest are the consequence of pathological leadership and ambition meeting 20th century technology (which by today's standards is crude). What is concerning is our modern world has a single nuclear superpower whose citizenry constitute some of the most fundamentally religious on the planet and which has an historical tendency to assert itself in world matters, including involvement in the middle east in apparent support of biblical prophesy re: Israel. There is also a number of Isalamic fundamentalist countries in possession of atomic weaponry and which espouse religious doctrines and bald ambitions of world domination. A good example of the potential of the annexation of modern technology by people with bronze age beliefs might be the immolation and human sacrifice wrought in NYC nine years ago.