If We Were to Take the Flood Account Literally..

by Yan Bibiyan 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BurnTheShips

    In the era of sail, no wooden ships were built that large. Large wooden vessels are subject to "hogging." The bows and the stern sit lower in the water than the midsection. This is due to wood's flexibility, combined with the lower buoyancy of the hulls tapered end sections. This is less of an issue on a steel ship. Steel is more rigid than wood, and can be made into longer structural sections.

    Of course, you could say the Ark was square, so it did not have lower buoyancy at the tips. However, in reality, waves will make the hull flex, because those parts of the hull that encounter the wave first will tend to rise before the parts that are in the trough do. The hull will flex, and the seams in the hull will open, letting the water in. I doubt a family of 8 could man pumps and buckets well enough to keep such a vessel from sinking....let alone feeding so many animals at the same time.

    You can't build a wooden ship that long.


  • leavingwt
    You can't build a wooden ship that long.

    You need more faith. "God did it." Men don't walk on water, either.

  • designs

    Noah's message to all the people who couldn't fit on board: SUCKERS!

  • undercover
    You can't build a wooden ship that long.

    A wooden ship of any length is going to leak as well. I don't remember reading anywhere where God instructed Noah to install a bilge pump. Of course, they only had to keep her afloat for a year, but between feeding the animals and shoveling shit overboard, I'm sure they had ample time to haul buckets of water up top to dump over the side.

  • sir82

    A JW might answer:

    "If they would have responded, God would have had them build a 2nd ark to hold more people".

    Hey too bad nobody listened - maybe they could have squeezed the unicorns and dinosaurs on that 2nd ark!

  • seawolf

    Vader is displeased with all of you!

    Pissed-off Vader!


  • sabastious
    If We Were to Take the Flood Account Literally..

    I would recommend against this.


  • believingxjw

    Yan Bibiyan,

    The flood account does not have to be literal to be religiously useful

    "And how far exactly are you going to get on this basis arguing/enforcing doctrine? "

    I'm not arguing or enforcing doctrine. Just stating my opinion.


    "No one was preaching in Sodom"

    I did not say anyone was preaching in Sodom.

  • believingxjw


    No literal, no literal, no literal. Okay, gotcha! lol

  • OnTheWayOut
    If God directed Noah to build a flotation device with very specific parameters, God must have known EXACTLY how many people, animal species, plant etc, would be in it.
    What if people actually LISTENED to Noah and thousands upon thousands turned up waiting to enter the Ark?

    Have you guys ever seen DOCTOR WHO? The inside of his "little blue box" is actually huge. God would have provided a similar miracle. Actually, God had to do that anyway. It has clearly been determined that there are millions upon millions of separate species of insects that simply wouldn't have fit in the ark described in the Bible.

    Okay, the official explanation on DOCTOR WHO is too complicated, but the layman's explanation is that when you see something far away, it looks smaller than it is. The inside of the Tardis (time/space machine) is far away from the outside. Same with the ark.

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