If We Were to Take the Flood Account Literally..

by Yan Bibiyan 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    And everyone has to remember that with sky-daddy, everything is possible. Including the fact that Noah, his family, and all the animals, came out of the ark to a world that was already populated with humans, plants, and animals. Just a couple generations after Noah, Nimrod founded several cities and was slaughtering animals like a madman. By now, there were so many people in Babylon building a brick ziggarat, that God was trembling in fear that they were going to knock on his heavenly door!

    Yes, with sky-daddy, miracles happen everyday in the Bible. Like, about 70 adults were able to scare God with this...

    Babel-like tower

    ...oh my God! Quick look away from this terrifying tower that reaches the heavens!

    Or maybe God had let post-deluvian humans breed super-exponentially to populate all Nimrods cities... then he decided it was a terrible idea and confused their languages so that none of their children would ever have a shot at knowing and serving him... until the JWs knock on their doors.

    Yep, this all makes perfect sense when you put on your goggles of credulity!

  • notverylikely

    Get yourself an education Buddy, You spend a whole week on genetics when you take anatomy and physiology.

    I apologize JB. I posted a link to a syllabus that disgreed with you and made it look like you didn't know what you were talking about. Please send me a syllabus for an anatomy class that shows a week of genetics.

    Human anatomy and physiology by Marieb, chapter 30 Heredity, gene pairs, genocyte and phenotype, alles.

    That's a book, not a class or a syllabus.

  • jaguarbass

    You say you aint as learned so why are you arguing with me pee wee herman.

    If you havent taken anatomy and physiology, you probably have no idea of what your talking about.

    Just read your post here thats proof your talking out your ass.

    When I took anatomy and physiology we did a chapter a week and I gave you the book and the chapter.

    I cant go back and give you the sylabus from 10 years ago.

    But its a chapter a week for 2 semesters.

    This is real anatomy and physiology from a real state college that prepares doctors and nurses. Its pred med.

    Not from some back of a pack of matches school.

    Your making straw men and having circular arguments making a tempest out a teapot.

    EVerything I said is true and what you say is mostly bullshit and repeating my truths trying to take credit

    for what I have said.

    What ever you dont agree with is what you made up, not what I said.

    ITs all here. Your imagining things and arguing with your self and trying to put your imagination on me.

    Your and idiot. Just like pee wee herman.

  • TD

    I was thinking about other disciplines that touch upon the field of human genetics and one that I find interesting is anthropology; specifically marriage customs.

    We know empirically that among most higher mammals, a viable breeding group must be composed of a minimum number of breeding pairs, but with humans this obviously cannot be proven via direct experimentation.

    We can gain an insight through the marriage customs of small tribes and clans of humans though. Because humans fair particularly badly when inbreeding occurs, a common thread all over the world are marriage customs that prevented stagnation of the gene pool.

    Exogamic marriage was a common practice among indigenous peoples and there were a number of ways this was done.

    For example, intertribal kidnapping was practiced by various American Indian tribes. Depending upon whether the two tribes were enemies or friends, this could range from a traumatic experience for the abductee to a mere formality where eligible young women would go out to a rendezvous point to be "carried off." Europeans were horrified by the practice, but the abductee would obtain full social mobility and very often increased status in the new tribe, which distinguished this custom from slavery.

    Endogomous tribes had different systems that produced the same end result. One example is the institution of the matrimonial moiety. A tribe would be divided into two or sometimes four moieties. Marriage within the same moiety was strictly forbidden as the members considered themselves all to be brothers and sisters. This type of system existed throughout the Aboriginal people of Australia and the striking thing is that it was primarily religious in nature. The genetic benefit was serendipitous and the physical necessity for such a system not fully grasped.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Note to self:

    • Go back to college
  • notverylikely

    You say you aint as learned so why are you arguing with me pee wee herman.

    Because one only need a kindergarden grade science education to discus this with you. I'm all the way through 5th grade.

    If you havent taken anatomy and physiology, you probably have no idea of what your talking about.

    I have. Interesting that you didn't comment on the syllabus I provided you.

    Just read your post here thats proof your talking out your ass.

    Sometimes. Fortunately my ass has a degree and likes to remain educated, so arguing with it is even more futile for you.

    When I took anatomy and physiology we did a chapter a week and I gave you the book and the chapter.

    I cant go back and give you the sylabus from 10 years ago.

    But its a chapter a week for 2 semesters.

    Again, that's more of a basic biology class. It wasn't a true anatomy class. It's understandable why you would fail to get the distinction, however, since that clearly wasn't your primary field of study.

    This is real anatomy and physiology from a real state college that prepares doctors and nurses. Its pred med.

    Not from some back of a pack of matches school.

    How lucky for us you aren't a doctor, then.

    Your making straw men and having circular arguments making a tempest out a teapot.

    EVerything I said is true and what you say is mostly bullshit and repeating my truths trying to take credit

    for what I have said.

    It's so cute when you have no idea what the words you are using means.

    What ever you dont agree with is what you made up, not what I said.

    Other than the completely wrong things you said that I disagreed with you on and provided links, you remain completely wrong. Oh wait, that would make you completely wrong. As usual.

    ITs all here. Your imagining things and arguing with your self and trying to put your imagination on me.

    Your and idiot. Just like pee wee herman.

    I am sure you meant "You're" not "your", the possesive. It's ok, we know what level we're dealing with.

    If you would like to take the opportunity to clearly state your position, please do so and we can discuss. I play tit for tat with your name calling all day and your personal attacks and do it about 100x better.

    Or you can clearly state your position and we can go from there. Up to you.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Come on guys, please? This is a good thread.

  • jaguarbass

    Or you can clearly state your position and we can go from there. Up to you.

    I have no position. I posted facts.

    If I have said somehting thats not true underline it in yellow. You cant because your full of it.

    You cant beat me because all I have posted are scientific facts and your blabbering like a dingbat about

    things you are making up.

  • notverylikely

    I have no position. I posted facts.

    If you think so, and you clearly do so, feel free to cite them with backup. I'll give you a few things you wrote to start with.

    Genetically all man kind could come from 2 people.

    And all dogs including poodles and chiwouwas came from 2 wolfs.

    Thats according to the bible and according to Dawkins.

    All things you wrote. Show them to be factual.

    If I have said somehting thats not true underline it in yellow. You cant because your full of it.

    Sure, let me quote some incorrect things you wrote:

    Genetically all man kind could come from 2 people.

    And all dogs including poodles and chiwouwas came from 2 wolfs.

    Thats according to the bible and according to Dawkins.

    There you go, a nice little sample set of the incorrect things you wrote.

    You cant beat me because all I have posted are scientific facts and your blabbering like a dingbat about

    things you are making up.

    Well, proving you wrong yet again was easy.

  • tec

    This is the last thing I heard about common ancestry for all life on earth, but I am not a scientist... this might be what Jag is talkign about:



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