If We Were to Take the Flood Account Literally..

by Yan Bibiyan 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • james_woods
    And, no I do NOT take the account literally. That would mean we are all descended from a limited lineage of people that Noah came from, and that sounds totally unreasonable. (Like the witlesses do.)

    If you also take the bible account (including the ages of the patriarchs) literally, we are all descended from that limited lineage during the ridiculously short time of around 4,000 years.

  • exwhyzee
    This simply underscores how lousy a God Jehovah really is--as if he needs any more embarrassment.

    I like to think that if there is a God, (and I hope there is) he has been terribly misunderstood, portrayed and represented by Religion and humans in general. Somehow I feel that we will one day all marvel at how wrong we have been.

    Until then I will do my best to lead a decent life, help those that I can. I'll focus on the "big chunks" and take a wait and see attitude on all thedetails that the religious try to enforce. How can anyone really go from door to door and claim they have all the answers based upon information ( biblical) which is largely unprovable and fraught with what appear to be glaring inconsistencies ? (ie. Noah's Ark)

  • jaguarbass

    Has anyone thought of all the difrent types of people are on earth? I meen like nationalities. How Could Noahs family create the vastness of culture on this earth. How could on family in the middle east create Whites and Blacks, Japanese and Indians ect. ect. They are all people but different species. For example, if you take two German Shepard Dogs how can you get a poodle?

    Genetically all man kind could come from 2 people.

    And all dogs including poodles and chiwouwas came from 2 wolfs.

    Thats according to the bible and according to Dawkins.

    According to Dawkins all life came from a common ancestor.

    My own eperience, I bred cocker spaniels and from a black and brown cokerspaniel, I got a Blonde cocker spaniel in the litter of 7,

    as well as black brown and red.

  • notverylikely

    Genetically all man kind could come from 2 people.

    And all dogs including poodles and chiwouwas came from 2 wolfs.

    Thats according to the bible and according to Dawkins.

    According to Dawkins all life came from a common ancestor.

    Everything you wrote is so full of fail isn't not funny.

  • jaguarbass

    If you dont believe in Dawkins or DArwin and you dont believe in the bible what do you believe in?

    I've taken anatomy and physiology in college 2 tan skined people can produce all of the colors we have.

    Everything I have read says all dogs came from wolves.

    Tell me where do dogs come from.

    And even the atheist call the first man and woman Adam and Eve.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Yan... excellent point. That had not occurred to me until someone - possibly you - posted it on a different thread a few weeks ago.

    Too bad this point, among others, is lost on those of faith who can rationalize it away with a magical flick of the wrist. It seems hardly different than a JW explaining away one of the many flaws of WT doctrine.

  • notverylikely

    If you dont believe in Dawkins or DArwin and you dont believe in the bible what do you believe in?

    That's not the issue, the issue is that you display a stunning lacking of understanding of genetics.

    I've taken anatomy and physiology in college 2 tan skined people can produce all of the colors we have.

    That's fantastic! Unfortunately, anatomy has nothing to do with your supposition. Genetics is the issue.

    Everything I have read says all dogs came from wolves.

    Tell me where do dogs come from.

    Oh, I didn't say dogs aren't descended from wolves, that's well know. To suggest that all dogs descended from 2 wolves, or that all people descended from 2 people, is .... not possible.

    And even the atheist call the first man and woman Adam and Eve.

    Only for purposes of discussing ludicrous hypothetical creation myths.

  • jaguarbass

    I think your full of it.


    When you take anatomy, you learn about genetics.

    And you learn that two brown people can produce all the colors.

    Your so full of it you think I'm arguing for Noahs ark.

    I'm just stating facts.

    Facts that are taught in college. By people that call themselves scientist.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I'm not sure I understand the conflict here as regards a single ancestor pair.

    Isn't the scientific consensus that pretty much every living species has a common ancestor pair when you go back far enough? Some different species (many, even) probably even come from the SAME pair of ancestors. And far enough back, it is possible that all life on earth came from just one aquatic life form (though there is also the chance that many life forms evolved simultaneously, too).

    Isn't that what evolution IS basically? Or is there new information based on all the genetic sequencing that's been one the last decade or so?

  • bohm


    As i understand your question there are two perspectives:

    • Very early life: Anything pretty much goes here since very early life properly didnt have a good boundary between its own genetic information and its surroundings (even modern bacteria dont). But very early life is not very relevant to the discussion IMHO.
    • Advanced (land based) life: If we completely neglect the effect of horizontal gene transfer (which is wrong, but anyway...) and only consider sexual reproduction of eg. dogs, it is wrong to think of individuals but one should rather think about gene pools which are molded by evolution. A lot of things can be said, and the size and divercity of the gene pools can be estimated today by various methods, for example the fact that gorillas and humans on some parts of the DNA have more in common than humans and chimps tell us the gorilla/(chimp-human) divergence happened in a very large gene pool, and the human/chimp divergence in a very small. Its a very interesting subject and it changed my perspective on evolution.
      So i think i would answer your question negatively (if i understand it correctly!) since the divergence happened quite gradually by a "stretching" of the original gene pool which finally resulted in it breaking in two; genetic information from thousands of chimp/humans was involved at all stages.
      The mitochondrial-eve (adam) argument does not point to a common pair, it point to something much weaker, and can only be applied to the genetic information which is not transferred in a sexual manner, eg. the Y-chromosome and the mitochondrial DNA. Even here there are various caveats.

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