H. Hunger Reviews R. Furuli's "Assyrian, Babylonian, and Egyptian Chronology, Volume II"

by AnnOMaly 248 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bohm

    Scholar, are you avoiding me?

  • scholar


    Post 1988

    I am not avoiding you for I have already answered your question. The information you request is on Furuli's home page if you are not satisfied then contact Furuli. I cannot help you any further.

    scholar JW

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Post 1910

    You really should continue looking about the Great Pyramid of Giza. That seems to be the only place you would be able to find any non-JW scholars that believe that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607.

    Does the name Morton Edgar ring a bell? I'm sure he would have written a favorable review for Furuli's laughable "broken, tampered tablet theory". Perhaps we could recall some of the other celebrated scholars that agree with your revisionist history?

  • scholar

    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Post 3173

    I sse that you have escaped. The Great Pyramid is ancient history, there are no treasures there for at least there were none inside when I went inside on a tour during the late eighties.

    Anyway the joke is not on the 'celebrated' WT scholars who advocate 607 BCE as the only date for the Fall but on wordly scholars who worship the false god of Higher Criticism believing in a chronology that is falsified by Bible Chronology.

    scholar JW

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Post 1912

    What is the "Bible Chronology" for the destruction of Babylon? Oh, that's right. There you'll find your Watchtower "prophets" pointing at secular history for proof... since the Bible gives no dates for anything. Oh, but they have to reject other historical proof pointing to any dates that discredit their numerology mumbo-jumbo. It's all a game of pick-and-choose in Writing Department. Don't you realize that?

    The "celebrated" JW scholars built their entire "house of cards" chronology to support 1914, right? Now they're clinging to "generation"=generation+generation, like that explanation is somehow valid.

    Dude, you're not "anointed". You're not "FDS". You're not "Governing Body". You're just supporting a flawed cult that's sat on the shelf past its expiration date.

    Plenty of other "end times" religions have come and gone in the past. The Great Pyramid outlasted them all. It stuck around through 1914 and WWI and after CT Russell died. And it will still be here after other sects have replaced the JWs.

  • scholar

    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Post 3176

    The celebrated WT scholars simply use the Bible combined with secular history and records in order to construct a scheme of Bible chronology for as you say the Bible does not dates in our modern calender. Our chronology is not 'a house of cards' at all because it has withstood the test of time and seen the fulfillment of bible prophecy to wit-1914 CE.

    Your comment on our current understanding of the Mathean generation is baseless as it well fits in the norms of sound Biblical scholarship and exegesis. Yes many religions have come and gone but we have Jehovah God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Faithful Discreet Slave fighting for us so I do not think we have much to be concerned about.

    We will be around long after the sands of time have removed that Great Pyramid into the dustbowl of history.

    scholar JW

  • Mary

    Oh brother......I knew numb-nuts 'scholar' would rear his ugly head on this thread. For years, 'scholar' has been trying to promote the erroneous date of '1914' and has continuously licked the ass of Rolf Furuli while setting him up as a demi-god for all to worship.

    In a nutshell, Rolf Furuli doesn't have a leg to stand on when he claims that VAT 4956 was "deliberately tampered with"---a ridiculous assertion that he admits is nothing more than a "hypothesis". There is absolutely no evidence it was altered but since Furuli is a Dub, he's got a point to try and make: Solomon's Temple was destroyed in 607 BCE, not 587 BCE and in true Dub fashion, he will do anything in order to promote this bullshit idea. I would love to know who funded Furuli's little project. If he got external funding, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Crooklyn had been the benefactor.

    I think it's sad that Rolf Furuli would risk his reputation as an academia by promoting such foolishness which can (and has) been easily refuted. If Rolf were not a Witness and an elder, I sincerely doubt he would have ever written such an absurd document.

  • scholar


    Post 12401

    Numb-nuts is back. Furuli has certainly put the 'cat amongst the pidgeons' with his VAT tampering hypothesis. However, his presentation of the matter is quite compelling as he is the only person who has made a proper 'scientific' study of the tablet. The tablet raises many questions that demand suitable answers and Furuli has risen to take up the challenge. Numb-nuts scholar is right behind him too. Let the debate continue!!!

    scholar JW

  • diamondiiz


    What you say is preposterous. The world which lies in the power of the wicked one is most certainly trying to hide the truth about 607 BCE, the ending of the Gentile Times and the events and significance of 1914 established evidentially by 607 BCE.

    Preposterous? LOL That is a good one.

    Yes, you must be right, the devil is hiding the evidence. The boogieman cares about 1874 1914. In fact, if the end was to come now, the Mayans would get the prize as they would have been closer to the date than wts, and that's probably because the devil told them and he was better informed than the bible and Jesus as neither point to any date. It's sad to see delusional people trying to push their illness on others, and the sad truth is that some 7 million mostly ignorant people are doing this very thing. You people who deny reality and push lies on others should be held responsible for ruined lives of others and I only hope that that day comes in my life time. Your disease fortunately has a cure and that cure is time.

  • wobble

    Good old Scholar !

    Circular reasoning abounds !

    1914 is correct because bible prophecy was fulfilled by 1914, we have dealt with that Ad Nauseam on here.

    "Worldly" scholars are wrong because the Chronology they have come up with, using worldly historic dates and records, differs from the chronology constructed by the WT using the same historic dates and records, but ignoring the evidence of those records that disagree.

    This "Scholar" calls "Bible Chronology", rather than what it is, WT chronology which equals dis-honest presentation of the facts.

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