Scholar: You wrote back on page 1:
"It is my expectation that Hunger's review whatever format is presented should be published in a respected academic journal in order to give his Review a measure of respectability and integrity."
I asked you to tell me which "respected academic journal" Furuli has published his ideas on the evidence in question, and you gave me a reference to his book. Well, i can just conclude Furuli has never published his work on the clay tablets etc. in a "respected academic journal". As I am sure you will be familiar with, the review procedure of a book is very different (or entirely nonexistent) from that of a journal, and the two should not be placed on equal footing.
I hope you will be humble enough to adress these two standards, and modify your original claim regarding Hunger, or apply it equally to Furulli. As it is now it is not consistent.
Personally, I think any argument, no matter where it is published, deserve attention, and would a-priori not disregard Furuli or Hungers work on this subject because it has not been published. The review process it not some magic wand of truth :-).