Just saw this posted on WATCHTOWER UNCENSORED ...
Every publisher must pay for assembly costs???
by sacolton 42 Replies latest watchtower bible
Sounds like there's a movement afoot towards passing a plate...
How long before they start passing the plate to make sure everyone chips in? Has anyone else heard this? I'm wondering if this PO is going overboard or if it's directed by the GB.
Off topic--when did they start 1 day assemblies? I don't remember those. I remember 2 day assemblies and 3 day conventions. Did the 1 days replace 2 days?
Contributions are all voluntary... OR ELSE!
troubled mind
One day have been around a while ...they are called SPECIAL day assemblies
I know my sister goes to the assemblies and can barely afford the extra time off work. Nevermind the cost of Hotels, parking, gas, food, ect. I asked how she thinks she's gonna afford the cost of just going and she says, "Jehovah will provide." I just looked at her puzzled. Now I guess she'll have to put money into the contribution boxes too. I guess just being there isn't enough.
Yeah ... real special.
3 UK pounds is almost $5 US Dollars. I can't imagine a American family each having to shave $5 off their budget for a one day special assembly.
St George of England
Our congregation in common with most I assume, sends £1.00/month/publisher.
So if we dropped that contribution and and paid £3.00 per day that would mean we only pay £9.00 per publisher per year instead of £12.00. Sounds good to me!
Mad Sweeney
They've been charging $3 to $5 per person, per day all along.
When they announce in the accounts report that they are still $5765.43 in the red for the weekend, even though the Borg OWNS the Hall outright, where do you think that figure comes from?
They estimate the attendance before the assembly even begins, then they multiply that number by somewhere from $3 to $5 per day. That is "the cost" of the assembly.
So say you have a circuit that has a Special Assembly Day with an estimated 1800 in attendance. The previous assembly they tried to get $4.10 per publisher ($7380 per day) but still ended up "in the red" with only $6660 per day in contributions. So this time they're going to aim a little lower than they aimed last time, but a little higher than the actual receipts they took in previously. They shoot for $3.90 per publisher for a total of $7020 per day.
That $7020 is their budget for the Special Assembly Day. All announcements that speak of expenses and whether they are in the red or black will be based around that number regardless of the actual costs of putting on that day's program. This is to "encourage" the flock to donate as much as they can to get the total as close to $7020 for the day, if not higher.
If, after the actual expenses are paid (assuming the WT owns the Hall, we're talking about electricity, water, paper supplies, and cleaning/maintenance supplies for one day), there is around $4500 left, the circuit will send most of that directly to the Watchtower Society to be used however they wish. A small amount might be put into the circuit's bank account for use against the next assembly's expenses, but not very much (the WT would get, say, $4300 and the circuit would keep $200).
With this method of budgeting and accounting for assemblies, the WT likely makes over $200,000 per year in profit for every single assembly Hall they own.
Why don't they just sell tickets to get in, like a movie theatre?