I WAS CAUGHT emailing a pdf copy of the New Elders Book

by Smoky 108 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Merry Christmas you chauvanistic jackasses."

    Make it "Mary Christmass", looks more authentic

  • Mary

    Make it "Mary Christmass", looks more authentic

    ha ha.....you're right, it does!

  • ziddina

    What Mary said...

    Errr.... The FIRST part of what Mary said...

    She's sharp as a freshly-knapped obsidian knife, as usual...

    I agree with her. I'd be reeeaaally, REALLY careful for the next - say, two months, at least....

    Elders can get reeeeeaally pissy when their divinely-inspired authori-TAY has been threatened...

    I wouldn't be surprised if you were "marked" for the next year or so...

    But hopefully you've dodged the 'bullet'...


  • TastingFreedom

    Smoky, I just hope those elders don't call the WTS headquarters, because they are likely to get further instructions to get to the bottom of this, possibly even get their legal department involved with that source that sent you the book.

    Keep playing dumb. Don't sound defiant.. They are likely to meet with you, and will command you to keep silent about this whole incident.

  • Mary

    A few tears might not be out of order either if the elders try and push it............

  • chickpea

    so, if they press you to "name ze name of zis person"
    make a name up and say you "met" them on the facebook
    page "JW C@fe" which swarms with dr0nes who are always
    so happified.....

    kill the frikkin drama... or redirect it to that lame FB page
    and stir a hornet's nest for them!!!

  • GrandmaJones

    Whew! I have been following this thread. I am so glad that, so far, so good!

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    They just announced at my hall Tuesday night that any of the elders who wanted to could pick up there elders book after the meeting from the PO

    CBOE, so much for the secret. I liked how the brother who announced it said if they wanted to. OK


    LITS - I bet that shouldn't be announced from the platform. It seems the further away from bethel you are the lower the standards. If you were further away still they might hand out left over books to the sisters or ask for volunteer sisters to help with their binding

    Smoky - you were standing over a corpse with a smoking gun in your hand - you got style to talk your way out of that one


  • Smoky

    @chickpea: Good Idea, blame it on Facebook...

    @mmxiv: It does seem like i got caught red handed, and walked away squeaky clean,
    but i dont think its quite over yet...let see what happens.


    Smok'em if you Got'em

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