Actually, I wouldn't deny a thing. Throw them off, they are wanting you to deny it or stutter your excuse out.
Just point blank tell them, yeah, I sent it, I found it on the internet (or wherever you did get it, but be vague) read it, and thought that all witnesses could be able to use this wealth of information to be better Dubs.
You'll get counselled, but just go with the innocent, I didn't think of it and act real sorry, it was out of your best intentions to help some of your closest friends.
You will be marked internally with the BOE that you have it, distributed, but you didn't lie about it so they cant hit you with the 'brazen card'.
Or..... just flat out lie and deny everything. However, be warned, they can easily get a copy of your email from the snitch friend and confront the others on it to be 'second witnesses'. So play smart. But don't play by their rules.