Challenges Facing the Watchtower Org

by eric356 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I totally agree with potleg.

  • eric356


    Go tell that to the Mormons!

  • garyneal


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    just read this now - excellent analysis.

    Thanks for taking the time to write down your thoughts.

    The Oracle

  • Nobleheart

    @ moshe : if numbers will decline in the future, and KH would close or merge, then this would be interpreted as being a sure sign of being really close to Armageddon, since the "sifting or judgment will begin first in Jehovah's house".

    @eric: I've heard at our last meeting with the CO that technology is something that will be used greatly in the future. Maybe in service too, I have no idea how that would be achieved. (or reported)

  • Nobleheart

    @ eric: also another point about mixed signals; just in case the end is not here yet. I hear ever so often now the thought of serving God with no date in view, for as long as this system continues, until the new system. Because as it's put, we've committed ourselves to this service and worship forever. Therefore, in the future the WT can simply say, that the end is ever nearer and we should keep going without thinking of set dates." If I remember correctly there was a resolution passed out in a recent DC that stated something along those lines.

  • agonus

    IMHO, there are really only 2 directions I see this thing going:

    1) Continuous slow hemorrhaging until the cult dwindles into insignificance (might be a few years yet).

    2) Black Swan event.

    Gradual mainstreaming? Ain't never gonna happen. Mainstreaming at this point would only be possible under Scenario 2 (i.e. sudden sweeping reform a la WWCOG).

    Personally, I've been hearing the swan's trumpet for quite a while now. It was faint at first, but now it's honking like a traffic jam.

    My bets on the duckie.

  • agonus

    Do any of you remember the Four Residential Towers thing that got scrapped? The very fact that they'd even announced such a project convinced me that they're up to something big. I still think they may have an ace in the hole... hell if I know what it is though

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Agonus, I find your comments interesting but must confess I don't really understand them. I know what a black swan even is but what's 'a duckie' and 'the four residential towers thing'?

  • agonus

    Duckie, swan, same thing :)

    On the towers, see this thread: WTBTS CASH to CONDOS "DUMBO" developments

    The first time I read about that project, I couldn't believe it. Four multimillion-dollar residential towers for dubs in the middle of DUMBO? WTF?! The hell were they up to?

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