Rape in the Bible. Condoned or not?
by whereami 56 Replies latest jw friends
Women were property in the ancient times of the Bible. Therefore rape didn't mean the same thing then as it does to us now.
If you are a bible literalist, different times, god's standards are so righteous we can't understand them, etc., etc.
If you are not, then those parts were the flawed writings of man.
Each contains flawed logic. Carry on.
Thanks for posting this. I agree with the thoughts of the video.
Condoned? It was rewarded.
You do know that rape was against the laws of God, given to Moses by God, the only Laws ever givin directly by God:
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
And in case you were married: You shall not commit adultery.
Of course, man tend to make the Law his own as with all things.
As I stated on another thread, does anyone actually believe that an all knowing God, could only come up with a man that rapes a woman m ust marry her so that he can legally rape her every time he wants?
Really? that is the best God could come up with ?
The thing is, many people do indeed believe this and they did for centuries and continue to do so it seems, even after The Word of God spoke.
Too bad the subject of Rape was never brought up, it would have been nice to get Christ's opinion on the matter.
There were laws against rape in the bible.
But they had really dumb punishments and generally were worse for the rapee than the raper.
If a man raped an unmarried unengaged woman his 'punishment' was that he HAD to marry her and was not allowed to divorce her for all his days.
I don't think I need to explain why that sucks.
Well, evidently raping men was much, much worse. Lot offered his daughters to the crowd rather than have his male visitors violated; the father and the concubine's husband, felt it was better that women be raped than men (the WTS hides behind the "hospitality" issue).
darth frosty
What about the scripture in zephaniah where god said he will gather the nations against israel and its women will be raped/ravished? That scripture at the very least gives tacit approval for the action.
Lot was obviously an idiot and lets not even talk about his daughters and what they did to him after, eeekk !