You Bunch of "Lying Apostates"...........Were/Are Right on the Money!!

by Crisis of Conscience 43 Replies latest members private

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    So if you cared to read a little bit of my story in my previous posts, you'll know that I am currently in active duty as a ministerial servant TM.

    Well, I had spoken to a few elders in my hall and informed them that it was my desire to no longer "serve" in that capacity. (I have been declining in the past few months and I think that is pretty obvious to many in the hall. Not to mention how much my faith has weakened in this organization.)

    Well apparently I wasn't clear enough when I stated that. Fast forward to about 3 weeks ago and I received my very first and very own shepherding call TM . I once again told the brothers that I no longer wish to be a servant, this time striving to be more forward in saying it. One elder points out that I don't have to step down TM, assuming there is no wrongdoing, but can continue serving without any responsibility for a period of time. I told him that I found that to be a slap in the face for those who are reaching out TM and often get overlooked. He agreed but said he would get back to me in a few weeks and see what my final decision would be. In my head I thought, "The same."

    This last week he and another elder (you know proper protocal) asked me at the meeting about my answer and I told them straight. "I no longer want to be a servant." He asked me why, just to make sure. I expressed to him that I'm burned out and need to restructure myself. (False hope, I know. I have no intentions of ever serving again.)

    Here is where you "lying apostates" (LOL ) come in.

    This is supposedly a volunteer position. You know what the elder says? That he is going to discuss it with the rest of the body as to whether to send a letter to the society now or wait until the CO visit to accept/confirm my resignation. He met with most of the elders briefly and they decided to wait for the CO visit. He reassured me that upon that decision by the body, I am still a servant and that everything will continue as such.

    So though ME, MYSELF, and I resigned, together, all at once, according to Watchtower I'm not done until THEY SAY SO or GIVE the brothers the proper approval.

    I now humbly bow at the truth that you "lying apostates" relayed to me via this forum about how these situations function. "You can check in, but you can never leave." Oh how true!

    I thank you all for preparing me. (Oh and thank you too, elder's manual!! Your faithful disciples followed the procedure to the T.)

    I left out a lot of details to try and keep this short. But I'm glad to finally be taking another step.


  • gubberningbody

    I went through the whole thing that way too. I still don't know when they got around to deleting me. My wife and I just stopped coming and answering the phone/doors. Then we moved to another state, and that's no longer an issue.

  • nelly136

    aww bless, you just want to get away and they've gone all 'peppe le pew'

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    The Eagles song Hotel California "You can check in anytime you like but you may never leave"



  • moshe

    It looks bad to the brothers for a MS to just, "quit". They might be hoping to find a reason for discipline between now and the visit of the CO, as they are just sure you are hiding something.

  • Heaven

    So though ME, MYSELF, and I resigned, together, all at once, according to Watchtower I'm not done until THEY SAY SO or GIVE the brothers the proper approval.

    Can you say C-U-L-T?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    What annoys me about that sort of crap is the power they think they have. What's the average IQ of a typical body of elders? 85? And they're controlling people's lives and families.

  • wobble

    Put it in writing to them that you "step down" , they gotta do something, though that still may be waiting on the C.O, but at least they know you are deadly serious.

    Watch out for trick questions ,if you want to fade and not DA/DF.

    The loyalty question, something like "Do you still believe this is God's Organization" is one they will slip in sometime, with two of them listening as witnesses, how are you going to reply to that ?

  • bohm

    What moshe says make a lot of sence to me: "It looks bad to the brothers for a MS to just, "quit". They might be hoping to find a reason for discipline between now and the visit of the CO, as they are just sure you are hiding something."

    They either want you to change your mind, or alternatively, find some way to blame you, so they have an explanation to give the CO.

  • DagothUr

    I was unaware of the power the Borg has over the life of an individual who's family is in the cult. I'm still in awe, but I'm starting to understand some things now. I am a damn lucky guy for not having such problems and I realize now that 99% of the people leaving from the Zerg Hive have to face deep consequences.

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