What is going on with your wife? Is she in favor of this too?
You Bunch of "Lying Apostates"...........Were/Are Right on the Money!!
by Crisis of Conscience 43 Replies latest members private
What Moshe said, exactly.
If you continue to be vague about the exact reason, they will assume you are hiding something - a "secret sin".
In their minds, it is inconceivable that someone would just want to quit. There has to be something else.
Expect more and more meetings, lots more direct and probing questions. Expect the CO to grill you - stopping just short of tying you to a chair with a 200 watt bulb hung right in front of your face.
Eventually, if you stick with your story long enough, they will relieve you of your duties - but the JW rumor mill start up big time. People will start avoiding you because they assume you have some big horrible secret sin you are hiding, and you may be a "corruptive influence".
If you plan to salvage family and/or friend relationships, pick a legitimate (in their eyes) and concrete reason to "step down" - depression, caring for family matters, some physical malady exacerbated by any kind of stress, etc.
That he is going to discuss it with the rest of the body as to whether to send a letter to the society now or wait until the CO visit to accept/confirm my resignation. He met with most of the elders briefly and they decided to wait for the CO visit. He reassured me that upon that decision by the body, I am still a servant and that everything will continue as such.
Bullshit. They don't own you or anyone else. You are no one's property or slave.
It reminds me of a company that once refused to "accept" my resignation. Guess what? They didn't have a choice. After their "refusal" I went back to my desk and immediately wrote a much more scathing version of my resignation letter and emailed it to everyone in the company.
I suggest making a comment at the next watchtower study. Pretend you're going to answer one of the questions, and when you get the microphone just say, "This is to announce that I, <insert name> am no longer serving as a ministerial servant."
You can, optionally, follow up with a rant if you choose. You should have a good 20-30 seconds before someone yanks the microphone away from you.
When you get your next chance at the podium, just announce it to the entire congregation yourself. LOL.
You should also expect some questioning about "secret wrongdoing".
It's unfathomable to them that you wouldn't want to be a theocratic rockstar if you're not practicing sin.
I resigned, got the Agent Smith treatment from the CO (who looks like Agent Smith), but I stepped down.
Zerg Hive
Protoss for the win, sucka!
It's not surprising. I'd bet ever MS or elder who ever stepped down has had to do some explaining. Sad, isn't it?
CoC They are convinced they have all the power.
I phoned Bethel (legal dept) this morning because the elders have been harrassing family members. I asked him why they couldn't let people leave with dignity....no answer. I told him that to d'fed someone is unloving and extremely unnatural....no answer. I told him that if they make any announcement from the platform we would seek legal advice and would they (Bethel ) be prepared to use their lawyers to defend the body of elders ......yep didn't answer but went on to commend me for being clear and precise.
At the end of our conversation I thanked him for his patience in listening to me (what else could I say, he hardly commented) and that I pitied him in his work as he must have phone calls like this all the time......... no answer just a good day and he hung up.
I hope you can step down without too much trouble........well here's hoping.