You Bunch of "Lying Apostates"...........Were/Are Right on the Money!!

by Crisis of Conscience 43 Replies latest members private

  • sabastious

    Grandpa Simpson: That crazy old man in chuch was RIGHT!


  • sabastious
    Ummmmm............ isn't watching porn a disfellowshipable offense?

    Since the ONLY disfellowshipable offense is Unrepentance(tm) that would constitute ANYTHING being a DF'ing offense if they deem you unrepentant.

    That gives me an idea. I think I need to call Clint Eastwood and pitch him a new movie: "Unrepentance".


  • caliber
    You should also expect some questioning about "secret wrongdoing".

    It's unfathomable to them that you wouldn't want to be a theocratic rockstar if you're not practicing sin

    this is exactly the comment I was about to give.. good thing I read all the other posts first .

    Also I had a close friend who" stepped down" (oops ! they like to says it's not a position of power .. you only step aside not down ! )

    The waiting for the CO to come is because he is more experienced at dredging out wrong doing !

    Anyway this friend said the very first question ask by the CO was... Are you sure there isn't some wrong-doing that you wish to share with us !

    (then watch your eyes for the deer caught in the headlights look .....body language might tip them off !!)

    They feel you want to drift away and hide from consequences !!!

    It's like.... Dear elders may I have permission to leave ?

  • ziddina

    So though ME, MYSELF, and I resigned, together, all at once, according to Watchtower I'm not done until THEY SAY SO or GIVE the brothers the proper approval.

    "Can you say C-U-L-T? "

    Heaven - yeah!!!

    Also, M - A - N - P - O - W - E - R - S - H - O - R - T - A - G - E....!!!


  • DaCheech

    seriously, just tell them that your conscience is disturbed after mistakenly seeing internet porn.............. saw it once, but you can't get it off your mind

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    Write a letter to bethel and CC the elders. Mention that, while your conduct/MS qualifications remain exemplary, you have personal obligations that no longer allow you to serve. Tell Bethel that you understand your local elders would prefer to delay your decision, but that it is your decision to step down immediately despite their reservations. Make it clear that as of right now you are no longer a MS. You will be informing your family and friends that you have stepped down as well, so it would be best if the elders did not delay in announcing this so as the congregation would not be confused.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Tell them you've been thinking gluttonous thoughts and are considering bankruptcy.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Or, like Ned Flanders to Rev. Lovejoy, confess to coveting your own wife.

  • stuckinamovement

    Major depression is always a good reason. The brothers don't want the potential liability of having a depressed servant assisting on shepherding calls or in teaching. They would rather cut you loose than keep you on and be obligated to assist you in something that they are not familiar with.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    You all are awesome and hilarious!! I'm going to attempt to address some of the comments.

    @ moshe While I completely agree that it is hard for them to fathom that anyone would give up this "privilege", I am prepared to stand my ground and not answer too many questions. As I mentioned, this site, along with the elders code book, have prepared me as to what to expect. So I don't feel I have reason to be cornered as long as I follow their script.

    @ wobble Definitely prepared for that question. Although I haven't expressed to these brothers how I currently feel about the FDS. I just said that I'm burned out and I have personal reasons.

    @ mamalove Though my wife is still somewhat under the control of the FDS, she still supports my decision. She has been awesome throughout all this, despite being really scared of my thoughts when I first started waking up. But she agrees with much of what I say and said she just wants me to be happy. I love her so much for her support and so I'm trying to make this as easy as possible on her too. If she wasn't as laid back as she is, I don't know where I would be right now. But thank you for asking.

    @ sir82 I don't believe I was vague this last time. I gave them a reason and that is it. They aren't getting anything else except their freedom to assume the worst. I am however preparing for the rumors. Though I have been considered exemplary by many, rumors can not be avoided due to speculation of why I stepped down.

    @ those suggesting that I make a public announcement. LOL I'm not currently in a position to go out with a bang. And I am NOT resorting to the masturbation or porn excuse, though it guarantees the quickest results. LOL

    I actually did mention something about depression during the shepherding call based upon what I was told by a therapist I was visiting. But I didn't attach much weight to it.

    Thanks all for your support.


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