You Bunch of "Lying Apostates"...........Were/Are Right on the Money!!

by Crisis of Conscience 43 Replies latest members private

  • flipper

    CRISIS of CONSCIENCE- Interesting thread. Thanks for sharing. Isn't it amazing that a person can't hardly make ANY move or decision in this organization without someone's APPROVAL or take, or comment on it ? Astounding. It is cult mind control at it's worst. The same thing happens even when a person moves to a different location - you get the elders checking up on you to see if you've transferred your publishers record cards . It's ridiculous. What if a witness decides he doesn't WANT to attend meetings anymore ? It's really not an option to the elders. They interrogate us to find out the reasons. What if we don't want to tell them the reasons ? To them- they have the RIGHT to know our reasons . As witnesses we were all just cogs in a machine really, another spoke in the wheel. Best thing I've learned is to just be silent the more time goes on in disclosing ANYTHING to elders. You handled it well though Crisis , good job. Good luck to you on your fade my friend

  • geevee

    When I "stepped down" as an elder, they were all in a state of shock. But then there were a couple of elders who were jumping up and down about it. I said that I was burn't out and needed a break from it all, and my family neede me around a bit too.

    One guy said that I was "stepping down" to leave the "truth"... which I scoffed at and absolutely denied!!! Guess what? I did, he was right!

    yay..... as John Farnahm sings "That's Freedom"......

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    @ flipper It really is amazing. I wasn't , admittedly, completely ready to accept that this was the way it was, even despite what I've read here. But it happened just as has been said by many here who have served in the past. And I am a believer, having experienced it firsthand. One of the elders who spoke to me said that it was definitely my choice and that nobody would look at me differently. Yet only minutes later informs me that the body decided to make a final decision after the visit of the CO? My choice? Doesn't seem like it. Anyway thanks for your advice.

    @ geevee Let the rumors begin!!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    when i told them about looking at porn...

    you can still serve...just check in from time to time

    when i told them about strippers...

    you can still serve...just stop it...

    when i left my wife...

    i think that did it!

    they sure want to hang on to ya!

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