Feb. 15 Study WT - More creationism and stupidity - A response

by eric356 109 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    How can a scientific phenomenon be "proved" in a message board post? The damand for proof of evolution in messageboard text is absurd and should be given the respect and response it deserves: none. A messageboard post can provide only documentation of evidence. That's it.

    Evolution is not something that needs proof. It is observed. I have not seen it myself but I personally know scientists who have seen it firsthand in their labs. They make a living based on the results of their observations. If evolution didn't happen, they'd have long since lost their jobs by now.

  • miseryloveselders

    I always avoid these threads, because I have absolutely zilch to contribute. I'm just completely ignorant when it comes to evolution. Part of me really doesn't care either to be honest. But when I see one of these threads go 5 and 6 pages deep, I know something fun is happening. This has been an entertaining read.

  • pirata
    Today, there is a rising tide of atheistic and evolutionist propaganda dependent on flawed and baseless reasoning. We should not let this flood of faulty thinking confuse or intimidate us.

    I think the important point here is that this is an Ad hominem attack. There is no attempt to reason on the facts (just like the Andre experience...)

  • PSacramento

    I think the issue with many creationlists is that they don't understand what evolution means or implies.

    Evolution doesn't mean there is NO GOD or that there wasn't a "creation in a point of time", it just means that life evolved on Earth ( and continues to evolve) in a specififc way(s)( common ancestry, natural selection, etc). It doesn't mean that God doesn't exist or that nothing was created, it just tries to explain HOW life got fro B to K, not how life came to be from nothing.

    Evolution should not threaten ANYONE's faith.

  • TD

    You have to be really careful when using a word like "Proof" when applied to science. Because of the very specific meaning, the word, "Proof" is properly limited only to mathematics. --A "Proof" is used to make a statement of mathematical certainty.

    This doesn't mean you can't "Know" something in the absence of "Proof." I "Know" that there is a force in a live wire that displaces electrons from their orbital shells. I "Know" that this force can do all sorts of nasty things to the human body including stopping the heart. Therefore I "Know" that it's not a good idea to touch a live wire with your bare hand.

    But that knowledge is based on theory, not proof. Theories cannot be proven in the mathematical sense; they can only be falsified through contrary evidence.

    Demanding "Proof of evolution" is at best, the semantic equivalent of forcing a square peg through a round hole, and at worst a misunderstanding of terms.

  • sir82
    I think the issue with many creationlists is that they don't understand what evolution means or implies.

    That's it exactly.

    They buy into the 2 biggest strawman arguments that creationists propose:

    1) The theory of evolution teaches that "life arose by accident, out of nothing"

    2) The theory of evolution teaches that "blind chance" causes all evolutionary change that is observed

  • simon17

    Evolution should not threaten ANYONE's faith.

    Well... but it does if you are a JW. Or a fundamentalist. Or a Muslim. Or one of the many many religions that insist they know the mind of God and insists that evolution is false. It certainly threatens what the Bible says.

  • PSacramento
    It certainly threatens what the Bible says

    The bible says God created the universe, not HOW.

    It says that God created man from "the earth" but not how it was done.

    Sure it doesn't say that Adam ( Man) evolved from a common ancestor of the Ape, then again it doesn't say that the sun is hot, water is wet or the reason why some women have super awesome asses and others don't.


  • simon17

    The bible says God created the universe, not HOW.

    Well it says the order things were created. That order is wrong. Flowering trees, for example, are a very very late arrival onto the scene. Other animals classes are incorrectly ordered.

    A global deluge is completely something that would ruin the theory of evolution (and a lot of other views of sciences) if it were true.

    It specifically says WOMAN was created from the first MAN by GOD. That clearly would not be true by evolution at all.

    There are more, but fundemantally, you can't read Genesis and think that evolution is by any way, shape, or form what it is talking about. So, I disagree with your statement

  • unshackled

    Good points simon17. The Genesis account just doesn't make any sense on so many levels.

    As you mentioned, Adam was created first and god seen that Adam was bored and lonely so he THEN created a woman for him. Evolution would then indeed be an impossibility.

    Side point...if god created Eve only AFTER Adam was lonely why did god give Adam reproductive organs in the first place? What was the plan there? Pretty much everything in nature has a male/female dependecy for propagation of life. So he created Adam with "junk" for no reason? THEN decided to match a woman up to him? Right.

    I would say this though...you could believe in a god and that he used evolution and leave it at that. But to believe that it was the god of the BIBLE and that everything in the bible is true requires a suspension of logical thinking.


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