My first thought on this issue is that the Watchtower Society is referring to the ideas of others as "propaganda". Scientific analysis, when practiced with regard for ethics and avoiding confirmation bias, is, if anything, the opposite of propaganda. Scientists present evidence based on facts, logic, and observation. Otherwise, they're not very good scientists. The Society is known for engaging in name-calling, labeling, intimidation and blanket statements--using propaganda techniques as described in its very own literature. I'm thinking it was a June 2000 Awake that discusses propaganda techniques.
I'm not inclined to trust the Society, which USES propaganda techniques, when they label others who disagree with them as using "propaganda". They refer to apostates' ideas as "propaganda" as well, and generally, 'apostates' present hard evidence from the Watchtower itself. So...I think that really settles it for me. The messenger here is known for trying to cover its own behind and distort facts to make itself look better.
I've yet to study evolution thoroughly, but the thing that gets me is, the Bible is pretty vague in terms of its descriptions of the ENTIRE POPULATION OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS. I don't think it's fair to assume the Genesis account is sufficient for telling us precisely what happened at the dawn of life on Earth, simply because it's lacking in detail. God, if indeed he's out there and authored the Bible, would probably have known that man would eventually become smart enough to figure out those details himself.
I don't see evolution as denying the existence of God. Perhaps it denies the accuracy of the Genesis account, which again, isn't that detailed. That, of course, ruffles some religious feathers. But remember that religion killed people for believing the Earth wasn't the center of the universe. So I wouldn't be too inclined to trust religion as far as scientific matters go. The JWs would've been DF'ing people for that same belief if they were around back then, I'm sure, unless the GB decreed otherwise.
My thought is, well, Whatever caused life to show up...let's say it is God. It would make a lot more sense if he actually designed the concept of evolution. Rather than having to shape every grain of dust into a living being, he could simply set the process in motion and allow evolution to create the vast amount of variety we see in living things today. Man, the apparent pinnacle of evolution, with his capacity to reason, would have the ability to survive in nearly every conceivable environment on the planet. This would make it easier for when he tossed them out of paradise for their inevitable rebellion, if you want to take it that far. But giving life adaptability is, if you ask me, a sort of perfection that could easily glorify a Designer, not denigrate him.
Either way, evolution is undeniable, even for me, a person who feels like...well, he's not sure what to believe about God, save that the Bible doesn't give a full picture of him if he's out there. Think about all those drug-resistant bacteria we hear about in the news. That's a form of evolution. Somebody doesn't finish their antibiotics or whatever, and the surviving bacteria rifle through the remains of their fellow bacteria and acquire whatever useful traits they need, then they become stronger, they assimilate improvements onto themselves. They've no need to say, gee, in order to prove Christians right, I better not change any of my characteristics. No, they change, they evolve, so that what would have destroyed their ancestors is ineffective on them.
Maybe that was a result of being created with DNA. If that were so, the Bible is silent on DNA or on, frankly, most scientific details. If it were up to people like the Society, no scientific research would be allowed at all, unless it benefitted the Governing Body. I still hear my mom and others say that we shouldn't be exploring space because God made the Earth for us. Well, where did he command that we not go out into space? That's not even in the Bible. Why would exploration be wrong according to the One who supposedly made us with the capacity to explore and to reason? It would be like making a bike for your kid and then telling him/her never to ride it. What's the point? If reasoning was just made for the sole purpose of worship, it makes God look rather insecure about his position. I don't think that God's like that if he's out there. He wouldn't need to be, would probably be largely unaffected by one population of beings on one planet in one solar system in one galaxy out of 50 billion-plus galaxies. Seems kind of silly.
But I noticed that quote from the Feb. 15th WT. It's just another example of the fear the Society has about the growth of knowledge and reason threatening its own personal desire to maintain the Dark Ages.