There has been much written here that claims to disprove the Bible's worth, creation, and the existence of God. Are you now saying that nothing can be written on this same forum that can prove evolution? Interesting. Evolution cannot be proven on this forum but the non-existence of God can be?
DISPROVING something is actually a much easier thing to do than proof. Have you never taken a science course? If you found human bones right there in the same rock strata as dinosaurs, and it was shown that they dated to the same time, you would just need that one bit of confirmed evidence to blow an entire theory to shit. Go out and do a measurement of the effect of the acceleration due to gravity on an object. If its confirmed that you show something not accelerating at 9.8 m/s^2 in a vacuum here on earth, you can disprove gravity. Thats the great thing about science: theories are as stong as they are because their very existence means the evidence hasn't ever disproven them. Things just keep seeming to fit.
Having said that, I highly doubt you will find any scientific mind that will ever say they can DISPROVE that god exists. Richard Dawkins would tell you that. Christopher Hitchens would tell you that. Any athiest worth a damn will not sit and say I can prove that god doesnt exist.
You can show very compelling evidence showing errency in the Bible accounts. You can show very compelling evidence to show why the creation account is not correct. You can show very compelling evidence why the earth is not 6000 years old. You can throw those hypothesis out, scientifically.
And of course you can't PROVE anything 100% anyway. It is only something that is proven to the extent that it hasn't been disproven. Does gravity exist? Every experiment we have ever done since it was hypothesized says it does. Is it "proven"? Well, could God just be making everythin look like there was gravity and tricking us? Could we be in a Matrix-like simulation with no real physical laws? I suppose.... but it is HIGHLY unlikely. The same goes with the traditional creationist idea.