simon17, I'm sure that will be the case when our grandchildren or ggchildren are in school. I've asked the same question about what man's assumptions would be if there were no god and I arrive at... well, where we are now.
bxjw: don't take offense, back up for just a minute, release your childhood presupposition that a deity created us, check out some credible material on natural selection with an open mind, and then get back to us. it's pretty interesting stuff if you suppress bias.
yeah, i know, I'm making a bold assumption in the childhood presupposition thing but if the shoe fits, please, I'm beggin you to wear it. i had to do the same. and i wish someone would've shaken some sense into me on the whole presupposition issue sooner. that's all.
i'm takin myself to bed now. peace and goodfreewill to all or whatever.