What is a shower anyway?!We Brits don't have them; well not in the depths of the english countryside anyway! Do we tell of episiotomies and piles; engorged breasts and labour pains, or is it a party to take your mind off what's to come??!!!Had three out of four at home; by ourselves too;doctors always feel you're exagerating when you scream 'come NOW!' they missed them all; much to the delight of my midwife who told me 'they only get in the way!' Mind you; she missed two births as mine tend to shoot out at a terrific speed in minutes
(my personal best; i'm sure you will agree is an impressive 6 minutes that put me in shock and in need of a stiff drink from the midwife; amazing stuff in their bags...take a peek)It was usual for the scream of'JUST BLOODY CATCH IT' to be heard around the beautiful moment of giving birth,in answer to the usual male question of 'what shall I do?'And they complain about vasectomies???!!!not in MY house, i was owed-BIGTIME!!!!
Let's have a baby shower!!!
by Julie 47 Replies latest jw friends
termite 35
termite 35
What is a shower anyway? We don't have them in the depths of the English countryside. Do you tell of episiotomies and piles; engorged breasts and labour pains, or none of the above, to keep your mind off it all?!We (WE?!)I had 3 out of 4 at home by ourselves as the docs always think you're exaggerating when you scream 'COME NOW!' They missed them all ,much to the delight of my midwife who said they wer'nt needed anyway and would get in the way!Mind you ,she missed two as they tend to shoot out at quite a good speed.My personal best of 6 minutes is quite impressive! 'JUST BLOODY CATCH IT' is my usual phrase...and they make a fuss about vasectomies?! NOT IN THIS HOUSE! i'm OWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
termite 35
JUST IGNORE ONE OF THOSE ...it told me to type again as i was a spam or something... bloody thing ignores my posts;gets me to do it again when it knows my typing's crap;then puts it on anyway, then insults me; i'm off to talk to the cat.
Hi Termite!
Four kids by homebirth! What a cool move, momma!!!!!!!! My "personal best" was getting only to the hospital door and then delivering in the hallway. Nurse threw a mattress on the floor and I laid down.......
The Emergency Room personnel were quite accomodating - all on their hands & knees. Thankfully, they put a screen around *the action area* as there were people watching the show. A secretary coached me through. Fine bouncing baby boy.
My husband was parking the car during all this. He walked in and heard two orderlies talking about "the broad who dropped her baby in the hall"......and knew they were talking about me.
I told my mom that a surgeon delivered my son on his knees and she said "That's the only way you'll get a doctor on his knees."
waiting writes:
I told my mom that a surgeon delivered my son on his knees and she said "That's the only way you'll get a doctor on his knees."
It's one of the few ways, but not the "only way". Trust me on that.
Love, Nurse Scully
It is not persecution for an informed person
to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. - WT 12/1/91
6 MINUTES, 6 MINUTES its not fair
My record is 25 hours labour with Dylan.
Wendy, let me know when you get mine.
My fastest labor was my first baby. I was 18, and he was 10 pounds, 4 ounces. 15 minutes. (yes, I was married!!)
They got longer after that. 4 hours (the worst), 10 hours (but very easy to handle pain,......I couldn't believe it when they said I was fully dilated.......it barely hurt), and the last was a C section.
Marilyn (aka Mulan)
"No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers -
Yes Wendy, nurses make the worst patients ;)
I'm glad your kids are getting excited about all the baby things coming your way. I'm sure they will be a big help for you when the little one is here.
Sorry to hear about the school situation. I'm sure you are doing a bang up job teaching them at home.
Now, about the bedrest...."I sit the whole time". That doesn't sound horizonal to me! (just got to keep on these noncompliant pts!!!!)
Okay- do we know if it's a boy or a girl yet? I've got tons of basicly new boy clothes from my 1year old son. I'll be shopping too but just curious! Babies are great!
Just to add to the scary labor story pool: try 12 hours induced labor when they screw up and give you too much of that induction hormone--
It wasn't that bad though and you get to have the most beautiful person in the world to keep afterward. I thought they were nuts when they said you completely forget about the pain when you hold your baby but it's true!Off to baby shop now! -
Mommy I'm so sorry I didn't see this--check your email later today, ok?
Also, just a side point about home schooling vs. public schooling. I know the whole debate inside and out, matter of fact there was a thread on it in the parenting forum. I just want to say growing up JW the worst thing was being isolated from kids my age. I hope you are able to (esp. in your condition, let those kids have plenty of outside activities.)
It was in the parenting forum,but I can't find it. BTW, I home schooled my daughter for a half a year due to a difficult move. She's extremely intelligent but was bored to hell because I couldn't give her enough work to do, LOL!