To the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with, may you all have peace!
I have not been posting "a lot" lately (not that I post a lot, considering the averages) and there is a reason: I have another bit to share and just wasn't up to the "fight" that usually comes when I do so. So, I had to take a step back and let our Lord refresh me a bit and give me the strength... and flint-y forehead... that I would need to follow through with this post.
Over the past few months there have been those who take issue with the name that I have shared with you regarding the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, which is the name given me by Christ himself. Many have even wept and gnashed their teeth over this information, some even going so far as to ridicule the name itself. And all for one reason: it is not the name given to them in most Bible versions. Even those who admit that the Bible contains errors, indeed, was not actually written by God and thus much is not even inspired, let alone "scripture" but was compiled by earthling man and so only contains scripture and... cannot seem to come to grips that perhaps even the name(s) stated in it are incorrect.
I have shared with you all, openly, honestly, and without hesitation the names given to me by the Holy One of Israel himself: both the Father's (JaHVeH, which means "JAH... who..."brings forth armies/who breathes armies into existence/causes armies to come into existence") and his (JAHESHUA, which means "JAH Saves/Salvation of JAH"... MISCHAJAH, which means "chosen/anointed of JAH"). And while it did disturb me somewhat when ones took issue, I totally understand the reluctance to accept either that truth or those names, in light of what has been made known by man. I am making this post, however, because of what recently occurred with me and what I was directed to share with you at that time.
Close to two weeks ago now, my Lord said to me:
“It is not the first time, child, that Israel has been given a name not known to them, nor that those who did not know the True God of Israel rejected the name given to them by His servant.”
Immediately after, I heard the voice of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH Himself (which makes my sixth time), say:
“You will go and say to Pharaoh, ‘This is what the God of Israel, JaHVeH, has said: release my people and send them out into the land that they may celebrate with me there.’”
I realized the voice was not speaking to me but to another, and I heard directly after that I heard the voice of a man say:
“I come to you in the name of JaHVeH, the God of your servants Israel . Our God, JaHVeH, has said to Pharaoh that he should release this people and send them into the land so that they may honor Him with feasting there.’”
I then heard another voice say:
“Who is JaHVeH and who is he that I should listen and do as he says? I am ruler of ALL the earth, am I not? Remove yourself from in front of me! I am not releasing the Hebrews nor will I send them anywhere except back to their labor. I am God. There is no JaHVeH that I should listen to him. You have come for yourself and you do not direct me.”
I then heard the voice of the Most Holy One of Israel again, saying to the one He had spoken to before:
“I am JaHVeH. My servant Abraham and his sons, Isaac and Jacob, did not know my name. I did not make it known to them; the Most High was sufficient for them. But to you I am making it known so that you can tell it to the children of Israel and to the one who holds my people, who will release them to me.”
Again, He was not speaking to me but to another… and while one of it was in “English”, what I have shared with you here is what it would have translated to. This is what I heard.
This morning, my Lord came to me again and said:
“Go to the Household of God and tell them that I have sent you. Tell them that I did not reveal my name to them because it was not me they were seeking but another “god” who has been created for them by their own leaders. Tell them that had they looked for me they would have found me; indeed, they would have been found by me. For ALL those who seek ME find… and are found. That was my word to Israel and it has not turned back. As for you, child, do not shrink back. Israel is indeed a hard-headed, hard-hearted house, but they will be subdued. It is only a matter of by what means: my voice or the voice of strangers. If by my voice, they will be subdued by coming to know peace; if by the voice of strangers they will be subdued by being trampled upon. You have chosen my yolk; do not yearn for any other because there is none that is lighter. Go and say to Israel what I have told you.”
And so now I have. You can choose to search out for yourselves what the true name of our Lord is; indeed, it is easy enough to do – simply ask. Or, you can continue to hold tight to the false teachings that have misled you thus far. The choice is each of ours. So, choose for yourselves who you will follow and whose voice you will listen to. As for me and my household, we shall follow the Lamb, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies (Jah Veh)… wherever HE goes. Even if it appears to be a “waterless region” and thus a wilderness.
Because although it may seem like there's no "water" or "food" in such wilderness... man does not live by bread. He lives… by means of the Word… which Word came forth from God. HE, that Word, is the TRUE manna that sustains Israel, the TRUE bread from heaven… and the Rock-Mass… from whom those who will live... to time indefinite... eat and drink. HIS flesh is the “leaves” that are for the curing of the nations… and HIS blood… is the “water” that bubbles up in one to impart everlasting life. His yoke is kindly… and his load is light. He is the One with sayings of everlasting life… and for MY household, there is no other.
Before Moses, the Hebrews/Israel did not know the name of the True God. And years later they forgot it, due to the false teachings of men that such name was not to be uttered. Then, our Lord came along and made that name known AGAIN. And again, Israel has forgotten it. For the very same reason: men who have considered the name too sacred to utter and so have not only removed the name of the True God, but altered it, falsely transliterated it, anything they can do to obscure it. Even by altering the name of His Son, our Lord... so that the TRUE name of God might NOT be known.
But it is as our Lord himself is recorded to say:
"Blessed is HE... that comes in the NAME of God."
Our Lord, JAHESHUA MISHCAJAH, is the One who came in that name, then, and comes to Israel now. HE is the One who name MEANS "Salvation of JAH" and HE... is the Chosen/Anointed of JAH." Thus, his name contains that name. And it is NOT "Jesus."
I, SA, have shared this with you just as I received it and was directed to do by my Lord, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.
Again, peace to you all!
Servant to the Household of God , Israel , and those who go with… and a slave of Christ,