Name Something Good About Being A Jehovah's Witness

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • GrandmaJones

    I loved the feeling that I knew what would happen in the future. I would receive everlasting life. I was never afraid. After all, death is only unconscienceness and then you wake up in the new world.

    I miss that feeling.

  • Palimpsest

    Half-frozen Swiss Miss pudding cups at assemblies.

    Once the food was gone, leaving got a hell of a lot easier. ;)

  • chickpea

    i agree that there was an instant network...

    on a trip to NZ, my hub and i were invited to
    meals and events and "cuppas" just because
    we showed up at KHs in dress clothes with
    NWT and a publication.....

    a JW couple traveling in this area were
    involved in a horrific accident and ended
    up being "adopted" by the congro i was in
    for nearly 2 months....

    i seriously doubt those attributes are the
    exclusive domain of the b0rg... but they
    were evident during my WTS association

  • ele_lux

    Not having to pay for a hotel room when you travel.

    No fear of hell (I live in a catholic country, so i was one of the few lucky).

    Developing the ability to read through boring stuff.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    How the heck do you make friends at the hall?

    Being picked on builds bitterness and low self-esteem and under-achievement.

    I have nothing good to say about being a JW.

  • mamalove

    Let's see, I know that when my kids are out of my care and with their dad at JW stuff, that they are relatively safe providing there are no pedophile's. Thinking here............umm...............I also have more dress coats than the average person..................slips, those slips really come in handy when you have to wear tights with a non lined skirt, I don't think many non church going people have a variety of half slips and full slips...............let's see what else..........I too do not get fearful to do any public other JW family seems to be happy so more power to them.

  • factfinder

    @Palimpsest- I forgot about the pudding cups at the conventions- I loved those! and the bag of grapes which was so good to have while sitting out there in the heat at the stadium!

  • factfinder

    @Grandmajones- I agree- I felt secure about the future. Too bad it was only a fable after all :(

  • eric356

    Cheese danishes, and our assembly hall used to have a soft serve ice cream machine, which was the best thing ever.

    The whole event of going to a DC or assembly was generally positive. Sitting and listening was boring, but what kid does that? I spent all my time drawing pictures, looking at weird people with binoculars, finding elaborate ways to eat during the program, reading all the weird parts of the Bible, or getting 8 months of Book Study underlining out of the way. Also, it was a time to see family, eat out at a restaurant, and sometimes stay at a hotel. All fun for a kid.

    I'm not that nervous when speaking in public. Also, if I ever work for a political campaign I could knock on doors and cold approach people with the best of them.

    I have a pretty good attention span from having to sit still and pay attention at really boring meetings.

    May have avoided trouble in school. This one's not really provable because it's a counterfactual. I probably also missed out on some real good times.

    Being made to stand out at school made me comfortable with being outspoken and not very conformist. I was almost never bullied or picked on, partly due to being accustomed to sticking out from the group.

    I have a good moral code, but this could just be because my parents are great.

    I can be thankful for how much better my life was after leaving. It's probably not the best way to affirm the value of life to oneself, it's sort of like almost overdosing or getting in a near fatal car accident, but the contrast does help you appreciate being alive more. Getting out also makes me more alert for other scams, and trained my critical thinking ability.

  • SlipnSlide

    I became a better speaker and enhanced my debate skills.

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