Hi New. please do not ever, ever follow this advice:
... but I think anyone can take a leap of faith....
You are fortunate to live in a world where mystical quests and magic thinking have been utterly supplanted by knowledge and wisdom. There is no longer any excuse to believe in any form of god - as espoused by the religious salespeople - since you have at your hands actual, testable, verifiable factual information that no 'leaper' can ever provide for you (if they could we'd all believe!)
Tammy has faith - she also is fooled on a daily basis by her senses as her brain tries to order a sensory deluge of information , as we all are- faith is one of the brain's (and culture's) short cuts to dealing with this information. We all have these evolutionary results that we dress up in words that do not fully describe the emotional, chemical and electrical firings of our bodies - we use words such as love, hope, imagination, consciousness, ecstasy etc. to describe things that can be measured and partially explained in the lab and when experienced can be incredible. Faith is no different but in order to maintain the mental heuristic faith requires continual learned ignorance. You could explain a torch to an Amazonian tribesman and they may refuse to accept it as anything other than magic.
This world is too beautiful, too special and full of amazing people and experiences to allow the followers of the immoral , baby killing, hell preparing, tyrannical slaver god to take even a moment (or a penny) of your time and effort.