Tammy - I do not understand what you have written. It is not making sense. You kinda believe in the bible but not that it is inerrant (so why use it at all since you openly acknowledge that it is untrustworthy?) You are happy to say it points at Christ (the flood points at Christ?, magic sticks to make animals reproduce a certain way points to Christ?, Solomon's concubines point at Christ?..sorry they don't) You apologise away the flood because you know full well that there never was a global flood even though the bible clearly states this.
You are happy - when the proof is undeniable - to claim the bible is in error but anywhere else is a testament to Christ - the most important guide in your life. Can you understand why that position is flawed?
I'm very interested in why you think Christ is teaching you, personally, about art(ok unfair :) but about anything)? Do you have real conversations? Do you write down these scriptures (surely direct communication with Christ should be recorded.)? Or - as I suspect - are you in exactly the same boat I was in - living in a religious construct without the tools to recognise your own situation.
The hardest thing I have ever done to date is to come to terms with the realisation that the relationship I felt I had had with Christ, the one that had moved me to tears at times, that had given me moments of religious ecstasy, the one that had revealed deep meanings to the book of Mormon and the bible, the one that had protected me from a very visceral demonic attack while a missionary, the one that guided me while I converted 74 people in my two years of missionary work (I am so sorry for that), the one that occupied my every waking moment and I used to school my base emotions with; that relationship was all in my head, my brain made it all up and even though it was real to me it was never real beyond my own personal madness. Letting go was traumatic, painful, risky but ultimately empowering.
I don't need the bible to be anything but I know it to be written by men. I hope I can spend what few times I have with my family and friends not allowing that book of dreams to further occlude the fullest experience and expression of life.
If religion was harmless fluffyness I wouldn't make such hard points about it but the cost it exacts is so evil, so immoral and so stupefying to each individual so enslaved by its grasp that I cannot type line after line of gentle, polite nit picking in the hope that people will avoid it. Religion has had years to perfect it's schtick and snakeoil, for years with the sword and king as it's authority. Religion deserves no less than to be repeatedly held to account for a millennia of bloodshed and tears. To clear it's name all it is required to do is hold up one piece of irrefutable evidence and it can't.