I find it very hard to believe in a god

by Newborn 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    LITS - God does not hate you. Your mother abused you, and sold you into a religion that would continue to abuse you. She failed you. They failed you. Even Jesus is recorded to have said, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how I have longed to gather your children as a hen gathers its chicks under its wings... but you were not willing."

    Neither was your mother, with you. Or the WTS. Or the world that ignores abused children, which in turn often leads to another generation of abused children, and so on and so on. (Not all of the world, of course.... some are saved, but too many slip through the cracks - even just one is too many.)

    Now you're an adult and you're no longer a part of those organizations that fail children. You 'saw' them for what they are. You got out. How many people don't ever make it that far? God does not hate you, at all.

    A bible study is one thing, but I would urge you not to turn your life over to another group of people, or even to the bible itself... as a final authority. Turn your life over to God and to His Son, instead, and cast your worries onto them. Trust them... in Spirit. And if you're not yet at that point in your life or faith, don't worry or get disheartened! Life is a journey and we don't reach the end of it all at once. Just trust that you one day will be at that point in your faith, and live your life for now, in love and with mercy.


  • Quirky1

    It's the Matrix...

  • sabastious

    You need to research the evolutionary theory more, saying you don't believe in evolution is like saying your don't believe in the water cycle.


  • The Finger
    The Finger

    Maybe it's you know God exists but you don't know how

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    I can understand why people struggle to believe in God - as for me - I see God everywhere. His existence makes perfect sense to me.

    As for evolution - a subject discussed many times on here!!!!

    I have read soooo much on this subject - for and against. Still none the wiser - though some sort of creation event seems more logical. If you listen to the ramblings of someone like "book publisher Dawkins" he would have you convinced its a fact - but he ignores a heck of a lot of the evidence that does not support darwinian evolution.

    Evolution has more holes in it than swiss cheese!

    Dawkins is an atheist - so he is obviously going to promote a "non creation" origin.

    Of course - God and Evolution can co-exist - it is not one or the other.

  • cofty
    Evolution has more holes in it than swiss cheese!

    See that's what I was talking about!

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    God reminds of the father that Abandoned his children at a very young age.

    You hear about him and when your young you would do anything to please this Absent Parent.

    The older you get the harder you become.....

    until one day.... you hope the SOB is dead or you stop caring or even thinking of your Father.

    A Father Figure needs to be there...... not from old letters that were written for others not you.

    Why would you believe or even care about God?

    He don't care about you!

    (I guess this means the Holiday spirit has left Darth LOL!)

  • Mandette

    Personally I think it makes great sense that a higher being created life and then it evolved!(Makes much more sense than the WTBTS's version of humans being created 6000 yrs ago)

    Just a thought........


  • sabastious
    Evolution has more holes in it than swiss cheese!

    You could say the same thing about Archeology. Your argument could be "Archeology is bunk because they haven't a 1000th of what is out there."

    Evolution is the process of which species on this planet operate.


  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    I see God everywhere. His existence makes perfect sense to me.

    I'm sure it made perfect sense to the holocaust victims and the Rawanda genocides victims as well. Did you see God in those places as well?

    Many that believe in evolution could care less about Dawkins. Many biologists, doctors, and geneticists that created medicine and technology to help your friends and family, rely on evolution to discover ways to help the ill and infirm. So, I don't think those holes are as big as you think they are. And the bottom line - even if there are some so-called holes - no evidence exists whatsoever that says the god of the bible is the answer to those wholes. If you have such evidence, please post it and lets then submit such evidence to the nobel committee - because you'll surely win the prize.


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