How do you know if you're going to heaven?

by Christiangal 88 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Faithful2Jah

    : Also if my child said that to me, my first response would be what would she like to do in order to get a reward, maybe we could work out something.

    You are kidding, aren't you?

    You tell your kids what you, as their parent, require them to do. You even tell them you will give them, on top of everything else you already give them, a wonderful reward for doing as they are told. They then turn around and tell you that they don't care what you want them to do, and that they are going to do what ever "fells right" to themselves. But they tell you that they want that reward you were going to give them for obeying you anyway. And then you say, "OK, we will work something out."

    If you really mean that, I sure hope you never have children. Because if you do, you are going to raise yourself a couple of serial killers.

  • IslandWoman


    A more accurate portrayal would be that "uncle" tells us what God wants and "uncle" demands that we obey!

    But "uncle" is just a self-righteous demigod who CLAIMS to speak for God but really does not know God at all!!!


  • wonderwoman77

    because I am loving and let my kids have a say in what happens in there life, I will raise serial killers? Not likely, mose serial killers have a chemical imbalance and therefore had tendencies no matter how they are raised. I cannot believe people can be so closed minded to other possibilities. Afraid of thinking outside of the box may be harmful to your health....

  • Christiangal

    I would really just like to know where you are coming from when you say that "I cannot believe people can be so closed minded to other possibilities." That is what is wrong with today's society. People think that you should be open minded to anything and everything even if it is morally incorrect. Liberals decide that whatever they want to do is fine. And when you actually know the Truth there is no other "possibilities." I would also really like to know what kind of "god" that you are at "peace" with. It is certainly not the one who formed and made all of creation, and it is certainly not the one who sent His son Jesus down to Earth to die on the cross for your sins. The BIBLE speaks of the one and only true Triune GOD!!! I am just wondering where you get the basis for your beliefs. I mean, you said that you were an ex JW, so what do you consider yourself? Did you just pull your beliefs out of a hat and say "This is what I'm going to believe today?"

    I am still waiting for your answer!!!

  • wonderwoman77

    I get my beliefs from many sources. I understand that you believe in the bible, but I do not think it is the only book that God spoke to man through. I have read the hindu, buddhist and tao scriptures and have found many beliefs there. I know that you will never accept my beliefs and that is ok with me. But I have prayed to God and during that prayer and medatation had an overwhelming peace and calmness reach me, I believe christians call that holy spirit. Just because I do not believe your way does not mean I am wrong, but you think so and that is ok. But you say yours is a god of love, yet he will destroy all these people...a bit ironic? By the way I attend a Unitarian Unversalist chruch....

  • Abaddon


    I would really just like to know where you are coming from when you say that "I cannot believe people can be so closed minded to other possibilities." That is what is wrong with today's society. People think that you should be open minded to anything and everything even if it is morally incorrect. Liberals decide that whatever they want to do is fine. And when you actually know the Truth there is no other "possibilities." I would also really like to know what kind of "god" that you are at "peace" with. It is certainly not the one who formed and made all of creation, and it is certainly not the one who sent His son Jesus down to Earth to die on the cross for your sins. The BIBLE speaks of the one and only true Triune GOD!!! I am just wondering where you get the basis for your beliefs. I mean, you said that you were an ex JW, so what do you consider yourself? Did you just pull your beliefs out of a hat and say "This is what I'm going to believe today?"
    Definition of cultists from ;


    (a) The group will have an ELITIST view of itself in relation to
    everyone else is wrong. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES DOING GOD'S WILL -
    everyone else is in apostasy.

    (b) They will promote their cause actively, and in doing so, abuse
    God-given personal rights and freedoms. This abuse can be

    Look at your post Christiangal! How do you know you have the absolute definiton of 'morally incorrect'? And... "when you actually know the Truth there is no other "possibilities." Goodness me! So, my little elitist, I bet you have some explaination how you looked, and others, even though they say they did, obviously didn't, as they didn;t find. NO consideration that YOU might be wrong. And others who claim an internalised validation of their rightness are wrong if they disagree with you. No proof. Just what you say. And you take away an individual's free choice, or would do so, due to your baseless insistance you are right; "I would also really like to know what kind of "god" that you are at "peace" with".

    Christiangal you might be. Cultic your thinking definately is. Don't worry, we can help you break the slavish shackles of false religion that are causing you to act like this. But I doubt if you want the opportunity... it's nice being in the elite...

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • wonderwoman77

    Abandon, your thoughts were very well stated. You said a lot of what I wanted to say but was to upset and boggled to even say in a reply. I was boggled that some people will not examine the possiblity they could be wrong, or that there may be more than one right way to do something. I in no way think I have all the answers or that my answers are right, but they are what are right for me and obviously I have thought about this a lot. I have prayed and mediated and felt peace and that is what I needed to know this was the spirtual path for me. Do you who have been attacking my beliefs feel that peace with your beliefs? What motivates you to tell others they are wrong? What motivates you to think you have all the answers? Can you prove the bible is inspired? Can you prove jesus was god without the bible or even with it? I believe much of the bible is true and we can learn from it, but I do not believe god directed the writing of it, although truth about god can be found there, but in my opinion it can be found in the scriptures of other faiths as well. I truely believe God is benovolant and he has sent us here in this life for a reason and we have to connect with our soul and find that reason and live out that reason...

  • Christiangal

    Yes, it is true that we will all have our own beliefs about faith and religion when we are here on Earth, but one day we will all find what the truth really is. All I am trying to tell you is that there is a "religion" out there that is not a "religion." It is a relationship. That relationship, trusting and leaning on Jesus Christ, is the greatest gift that God has ever given any one of us. It is up to you whether or not you choose to have this relationship. And it is up to you if you reject Christ or not. I'm not going to cram anything down anyone's throat.

    I do not claim to be able to prove anything. But I can prove to you that Jesus was God and that the Bible was inspired. It really wouldn't make any difference if I did or not-you wouldn't believe me anyway. I just have one challenge for you all. I challenge you to go find where Jesus is buried. You won't find his tomb or grave. You know why? Because Jesus lives!! Christians don't worship a dead man like some religions. Our God is alive and reaches down for a RELATIONSHIP with us all if we will just accept Him.

    I know what I am writing won't make any difference whatsoever to most people. I just thought I would share this with you all. Abaddon, you call Christianity a cult, you are greatly mistaken. When your life has been changed by Christ, you severely pray and hope that others will believe. I would like for you all to read what has been written under the "Procedure for going to Heaven". It is wonderful.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I think you have a point.

    I try not to be that way I hope.

    A lot of Christians have this problem of haveing to be right all the time.
    I don't think it helps the cause.
    I think we as Christians need to be very tolerent of others rights to beleive as they want to beleive.
    Not only of fellow Christian's rights but of fellow human beings as well.
    We may have beleifs deep in our hearts, but some of those beleifs,.. we may latter have to correct. So why be so stuck on proving ourselves righteous. No need the Master doesn't expect us to be perfect, because we can't be.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • wonderwoman77

    You say there is a relationship and the only possible one is to lean on jesus, but what if there are other possibilities. Maybe for your soul that is the only way and that is fine and I congratulate you on finding your path, but do not condemn other souls because they choose to have a different relationship that is right for their souls.

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