nugget and cantleave, I hope that the elders ring you and tell you that the judicial committee is off and they they were wrong in the first place to form a judical committee against you based on private infomation. This would be good news indeed. Wishful thinking -perhaps. But one can hope.
Nugget and Cantleave are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses
by cantleave 148 Replies latest members private
Maybe this information is too late, given the short time span these idots have allowed you.
There are a number of good links within this thread.
I does includes links to the items of which I previously referred.
To Cantleave and Nugget:
You are in a better position than most of us. You are free to live your lives. It really makes my blood boil when I hear of ish like this. Why does the Borg have so much power over people? If people really did their research and opened their eyes, they would see the evidence that some of these things that we are taught to believe may be wrong. There are a lot of dubious things that are going on in the congregations and there is most certainly NO LOVE. Are we not supposed to identify those who love Jesus by this quality? Well, I ain't stupid and I can read. It no longer makes sense to me. The question has been asked many times, "Why are JW's on this site and others like it when they are being told regularly not to"? It makes them no better than the posters here.
" Why does the Borg have so much power over people? "
They only have the power that people give them
when they see that you no longer give a Sh!t , you have
taken that power from them
Nugget: We're pulling for you. Hang in there. It's admirable how you're protecting your son from this cult. One day this will all be just a story from your past.
I like what you said, this is a legal matter now, and you have been advised to not speak with them. I bet that squashes things for a good long time. Very powerful. But, these guys seem very hell bent on getting you a nice label with a D. Risky though if they want to tangle with the law.
Do you think your sister will bend? Is she humble enough to see the error of her ways and make amends ?
mammalove she is unlikely to bend for a while. I have told her I love her whatever she does. When JWs are panicked they go into program mode and spout the rubbish they have been taught. This is not my genuine lovely sister at present just a puppet. If she were to wake up I would be the first to give her a big hug and tell her it will be ok.
sweet pea
It's very stressful when you're in the eye of the storm but hang on in there, it will get better and a year or so down the line it will all be a distant memory and life will be good.
Thinking of you all.
I have been keeping up with your story and please know you are in my thoughts.
When facing a lawsuit the elders will back off. Talk to a lawyer, you can even get them to not make any announcements or even stop the JC. I guess Jehovah change his mind uh?
Take that elders of a "mickey mouse" court.