Yay Nugget do what you have and need to do. I am sad and happy for you at the same time. Give em hell.
Nugget and Cantleave are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses
by cantleave 148 Replies latest members private
Been away for a couple days and just saw this...
Congrats on your freedom... in the end being completely free of this cult will be the best thing for you. But I feel a tinge of anger and sadness over how this went down. Sadness in that now your family ties are hurt and anger at how this organization preaches one thing, practices another and causes families to break apart.
The ones that outed you are lowlife, sorryass people. Part of me wants to not blame them as they are under the influence of the WT, yet in the end, despite outside influence, one does what is natural to them in something like this. Odds are that most JWs would have maybe been surprised and then allowed the WT-think to convince them to 'mark' you and avoid association. They may 'know' you're in a 'dangerous' place but it's not their business. It might make them uncomfortable or confused, but they would just stay out of it. But here was a person or persons who took the time and effort to go this far to cause trouble. Sorry indeed...
Thanks for sharing this with us... I think we all need reminding from time to time to be careful what we post anywhere online, especially those who are still fading or want to stay off the radar. One little slip up can lead to ridiculous consequences...but consequences that cause pain when it shouldn't.
Surely the jws are just as bad if they are printing off apostate mail, they have to read it first and would have had to do alot of reading first to makesure they had the correct person!
does this not go against there own rules!!!!!
Feel sorry for you both it's ended like this. Thoughts go out to you.
Maybe you want to reconsider attending the JC - go for them hammer and tongs! Throw the book(s) at them. Call them to order in accepting nearly apostate evidence. That's like having the Devil himself as a witness against you on behalf of the Big Sky Chief!
Certainly get them to wait until Cantleave can be there with you. I'll try and call later....
Our Lord said that He is the truth and the truth will set you free.
You guys found the truth out about the WT and that truth set you free.
Take comfort in the knowledge that Our Lord is there for you, His love and strength, there for you, His Grace is there for YOU, always.
Follow your heart to where it guides you and do what you feel you must, if you feel you are being harrased then indeed, to get legal advice and representation.
Speaking as someone who was also ratted out based on personal information--ironically, personal information (an e-mail) that WASN'T ON an "apostate" site, wasn't even written to anyone who had ever been a JW!!--I feel your pain. At least you've got your spouse in your corner. Believe me, not having that is a HUGE, HUGE trial to deal with.
I personally felt the need to drag my fears into the light by facing a judicial committee head on. I don't think it accomplished much in the long run, except that for me it helped to remove the illusion that these jokers were anything more than charlatans wearing suits and following orders like the good little stormtroopers they were. But congrats for having the courage to make clear that you would not submit to their witch trial.
Your freedom probably came long before this moment, but now that it's official, enjoy it. I can't imagine how hard it must be for people who attempt the 'fade' strategy. I just didn't believe in that approach, personally--I was either going to be a double agent, or I was going to stand up and fight them. Nonetheless, I'm glad to know such brave people.
The people who, for lack of a better term, 'sneaked in to spy on your freedom', and turned you in--they were only doing what they thought was right. But it was dishonorable for such people to not speak to you directly about the matter beforehand. Whatever happened to Matthew 18:15-17? They didn't understand what they were doing. If they had, they'd never have done something like this. Their definition of 'right' is determined by someone else, not by their true selves. I hope that, once the dust settles, you'll be able to forgive them. Strange as that may sound.
(It'd be great, though, if you could find out who betrayed you. I know I'd want to know, if it was me. You have a right to know.)
I'm sorry that this happened, and no doubt it'll be a painful thing for a long time. But at least now you can move on, not deal with these people anymore--at least to some extent, I would imagine. I wish you the best. Things only get better from this point on.
thank you SD7 knowing what you have shared here your post means a lot.
Married to the Mob
Hi Nugget
Best wishes to you and your family on your new found freedom.
Sorry to hear that your sister's compassion and love went out the window, very sad. How was your other sister's reaction?
You might want to request the information on yourself and the kids held by the JW's under the data protection act 1988.
Under this act you are entitiled to see EVERYTHING they hold on you.
If there is anything incorrect in the data they must correct it or face court orders and compensation payments
Also the data cannot be used to cause damage or distress to you in anyway shape or form.
I would also ask for a copy of their data protection policy to see what information has been sent out side the EU.
Cantleave will have to make his own request.
Once the request is received they have 40 days to provide the information.
You can request any data held by them with your rights under the Data Protection Act. There is a charge they can levy against as it costs time to process. However, don't expect too much information about your judical position (for the want of a better term) until weeks after the event, they will not disclose their hand to you until after the fact.
How long would it take them to write up the notes.....? They don't have stenographers...more's the pity. It's only a kangaroo court!
Incidentally, was the outing through here or on Facebook? Did they at least show you the prints even if you didn't get a chance to read them? Cantleave mentioned FB to me.
(Edited to make more sense - I hope!)
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Nugget and Cantleave,
I think that before they begin their kangaroo court, you should inform them that you have disfellowshipped them for being earthly agents of the apostate Watchtower Corporation!
But that's just what I think !